Embedding a whole-of-institution approach to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Higher Education (HE).

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 10:00 to 12:00

Embedding a whole-of-institution approach to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Higher Education (HE).

Wednesday June 7th 2023, 10am – 12pm.
Room SE014, School of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Maynooth University

The Dean of Teaching and Learning Seminar Series in conjunction with the Faculty of Social Sciences is delighted to host a morning workshop on Wednesday 7th June 2023 from 10-12, which will explore how Maynooth University might begin its approach embedding a whole-of-institution approach to UDL.

The workshop will be facilitated by Bill Wilmot, UDL Implementation Specialist, CAST

This workshop will give participants a brief overview of Universal Design for Learning before exploring how Maynooth University might begin its approach to embedding a whole-of-institution approach to UDL. Guidance for implementation will be accompanied by examples of strategies, policies and projects in other Higher Education Institutions. The seminar will also allow for participant discussion in order to consider UDL in the context of applying it in their roles, faculties, or departments in Maynooth University.

Registration: See Eventbrite to register. Please circulate to interested colleagues.
This workshop has been supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching & Learning, Maynooth University. The workshop is organised by Dr Margaret Flood, Department of Education and Lisa O’Regan, Centre for Teaching and Learning in collaboration with the Maynooth University Access Programme, Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, and the Department of Adult and Community Education.