Maynooth University and the Maynooth Students’ Union are working in partnership to launch and develop the National Student Engagement Programme (NStEP) on our campus. The Office of the Dean of Teaching and Learning is co-ordinating the project for Maynooth University.

NStEP is a collaborative initiative established by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). The National Student Engagement Programme works with 23 Higher Education Institutions, including Maynooth, to develop student capabilities and institutional capacity to enhance student engagement at all levels across the higher education system.

The programme aims to:

  • Develop student capabilities to engage in quality enhancement and assurance activities at all levels of the higher education system.
  • Support institutions in developing processes and activities, which support/facilitate the meaningful engagement of students.
  • Strengthen the value placed on student engagement across Ireland and develop tools and resources to support a common understanding and build effective practice. 

Timeline of NStEP Events on campus 

January 2017: the University and the Maynooth Students’ Union co-signed an agreement to work in partnership on NStEP.
October 2017: the first cohort of MSU Academic Reps received NStEP Class Rep training on campus.
December 2017: the NStEP National Co-Ordinator delivered an NStEP Induction to the Maynooth NStEP Working Group including representatives from the MSU, Strategy & Quality Office, Graduate Studies Office, Departmental Administrators Forum and Student Services. The induction was co-delivered by SPARQS – Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland.
February 2018: together with the MSU, Maynooth University hosted our Institutional Analysis; a day-long workshop, facilitated by NStEP and SPARQS, to identify themes and priorities, which are suitable for a partnership approach in Maynooth University.

Student Engagement initiatives are well established in Offices and Departments across the University. The implementation of NStEP aims to build on the success of these initiatives and create new opportunities to engage with our students. The Office of the Dean of Teaching and Learning and the Maynooth Students’ Union, along with our internal working group, will work in partnership to establish and develop NStEP on our campus. Our internal working group consists of representatives from the Strategy & Quality Office, the Access Office, Student Services, the Graduate Studies Office and the Departmental Administrators’ Forum.
The roll-out of NStEP at the University has been timed to coincide with our Institutional Review. This is a deliberate move, as NStEP encourages students to engage with quality enhancement and quality assurance activities in their institutions.
To get involved in NStEP at Maynooth University please email: [email protected]

For more information on NStEP please visit their website: