MU Student Success Initiative 

The Maynooth University Student Success Initiative (SSI) commenced in 2021 and completed in Summer 2023. The initiative aimed to build on the University’s commitment and significant track record in supporting student success by developing a strategic framework and proposed opportunities for development to further embed a shared vision and culture for student success at Maynooth University.

The work was funded by the Higher Education Authority in partnership with the National Forum for Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education under the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE) 2020 funding call.

Understanding Student Success  

Student Success can mean different things to different people. The National Forum (2019) undertook a nationwide consultation process and extensive literature review, and found that Student Success can mean:

  • Empowering students to recognise and achieve their own potential. 
  • Enhancing partnership and engagement between students, staff and the wider community and between all levels of the higher education sector.
  • Removing any obstacles that may hinder students from achieving their own benchmark of success. 
  • Focusing on the entire student experience.
  • Adopting a whole-of-institution approach.

Based on these insights, the National Forum has put forward a National Understanding of Student Success, which we have adopted for the purposes of this strategy:

“Student success optimises the learning and development opportunities for each student to recognise and fulfil their potential to contribute to, and flourish in, society. To be achieved, this requires a culture in Irish higher education that values inclusivity, equity and meaningful engagement between students, staff, their institutions and the wider community” (National Forum 2019 p. 28).

Our Vision for Student Success at Maynooth University 

Develop and embed a university-wide, integrated, and holistic approach to student success so that each student is empowered to recognise and fulfil their potential academically, personally, and professionally.

This strategy is based on six guiding principles that represent a commitment to student success at all points of a student's lifecycle and provide our campus community with direction and support when devising and implementing policies and practices that impact students and their experiences at Maynooth University.

  • Student success is everyone's business.
  • We are student-centred and student-led.
  • We work in partnership to achieve our goals.
  • We support all staff to support all students.
  • Inclusion and diversity underpins all we do.
  • We use evidence to inform what we do.


For further information about the initiative, please email the relevant work package lead -