MA participant Limon Bunn welcomes colleagues from Cambodia

Limon Bunn and Cambodian delegation meet with Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 09:45

MA in International Development participant Limon Bunn welcomed Cambodian colleagues from See Beyond Borders and District Governors on a recent visit to Ireland. Together they held meetings with Minister of Education Norma Foley and Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman.

While the meetings primarily focused on education in Cambodia and partnerships, Limon also discussed her educational experience in Ireland with the group. Limon shared why she chose to study International Development, her key learnings from the MA programme and how her studies have influenced her understanding and perspective. We are grateful that she had many good things to share about her experience at Maynooth University.  

Cambodian delegation meeting with Minister for Education
See Beyond Borders and District Governors meeting with Minister of Education Norma Foley
Limon Bunn & Eilish Dillon and colleague in Maynooth University campus
MA participant Limon Bunn with Eilish Dillon and TaingIm Lok