- External (non-Maynooth University student) applicants - submit a direct application below
- Internal (current Maynooth University/ St. Patrick's Pontifical University student) applicants to year 2/3/4 - from 01 November 2023, all queries and applications relating to Internal Transfers should be made to the Curriculum Office, email: [email protected]
- Internal (current Maynooth University/ St. Patrick's Pontifical University student) applicants to 1st year of a different degree - Apply to CAO
- BA Early Childhood - Teaching & Learning (flexible) degree (CAO Code MH004) - applications must be made through the Advanced Entry portal on the CAO application website www.cao.ie
Transfer Applicants
ToggleInternal transfer to 1st year (current MU Students)
1. Applying for 1st year in a new degree
- Apply to CAO - make sure to include your Leaving Cert exam number. This is not a transfer but a fresh CAO application based on points and entry requirements from the current year.
- Applicants for 1st year must have the points requirement and subject requirements for the current year.
2. MH101 Arts to MH201 Science (taking 1st year again)
- Applicants who wish to transfer from Arts to Science, who have lower points than the cut-off points for Science in the year of their entry and who satisfy the matriculation requirements to the University, have to pass first year Arts to qualify.
- Apply to CAO and send your new CAO number to [email protected]
External applicants | Application for Year 1
Level 6 Applicants:
- Holders of Level 6 Higher Certificates , with merit grade (50% or higher), may apply for first year entry to Arts (MH101) or Science (MH201) degrees (from a similar discipline for Science). Apply to the CAO in the normal way and email your CAO number to [email protected]
Level 7 Applicants:
- At least one year of a Level 7 (ordinary degree) for admission to year 1 of MH101 Arts or MH201 Science
- Applicants must attain at least a 2nd class honours and in some cases a 1st class honours
- Other criteria required may include points received at the Leaving Certificate, subjects taken, course pursued and the competition for places
- Apply to the CAO in the normal way and email your CAO number and results to [email protected]
Level 8 Applicants:
- For admission to 1st year of a denominated degree - at least one year of a related Level 8 (honours degree), with at least a H2.2 grade overall - apply to the CAO in the normal way and email your CAO number to [email protected]
- For admission to 1st year MH101 Arts or MH201 Science we will accept a H2.2 grade in any level 8 (honours degree)
- Other criteria required may include points received at the Leaving Certificate, subjects taken, course pursued and the competition for places.
Please Note: Students taking first year again, having studied at Level 8, or 1 year of a Level 7, are not entitled to the Free Fees Scheme for the years that they are re-taking. However, applicants transferring on the basis of a Level 6 award are entitled to avail of the Free Fees Scheme.
External Applicants | Application for Year 2 and above
Level 6 Applicants:
Consideration is given to applicants who have completed a Level 6 Higher Certificate course in a cognate area with a minimum of a merit grade overall
Contact [email protected] for details on how to apply
Level 7 Applicants:
- Successful completion of 2 years of a Level 7 degree course in a similar degree in another recognised institution.
- Generally, a minimum of 50% (or equivalent) is required to transfer to some academic departments (in some cases such as Business 60% is the minimum).
- In some cases transfer to third year is possible for ordinary degree (Level 7) holders in cognate disciplines.
- Submit a direct application here
Level 8 Applicants:
- At least one year of a related Level 8 (honours degree). Applicants must attain at least a H2.2
- Other criteria required may include points received at the Leaving Certificate, subjects taken, course pursued and the competition for places.
- It is not possible to transfer into final year in our Business degrees
- Submit a direct application here
Internal Transfer to 2nd year and above (current MU students)
From 01 November 2023, all queries and applications relating to Internal Transfers to 2nd year or above, should be made to the Curriculum Office, email: [email protected]
Transfer application procedure - Application form and fee
Application Procedure 2025
- Please note that this application process is for EU & UK applicants only. If you are a non-EU applicant please email [email protected]
- Email [email protected] if you have a question before applying.
- External applicants - apply here
- Pay the €30 application fee here
- If you are an external applicant applying for transfer to year 1 please apply to CAO in the normal way and email your CAO number and results to [email protected] (no application fee for CAO applicants)
- Internal applicants - current students applying to transfer to 2nd year in another degree (non-automatic) please email [email protected]
Transfer Policy | BA in Early Childhood-Teaching and Learning (Part-Time)
MH004 - BA in Early Childhood-Teaching and Learning (Flexible)
- Please apply using the CAO Advanced Entry portal on the CAO application website at www.cao.ie
- Admission is to year 2 on the basis of successful completion of a level 6 in Early Childhood Education and Care or equivalent.
MH003 BA in Early Childhood-Teaching and Learning (Full-Time)
- Maynooth University welcomes applications from qualified candidates to the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education’s Level 8 BA degree in Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning.
- It is important to note that a limited number of places are available for transfer applicants annually.
Level 6
- Students who have successfully completed two years of a Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Education ( Level 6) QQI or equivalent with an average of 60% or over may apply for entry to first year (apply through CAO Advanced Entry).
Level 7 | 2 years completed - transfer into 2nd year
- Students who have successfully completed two years of a Level 7 Degree in Early Childhood Education (or equivalent) with an average of 60% or over may apply for entry to second year
Level 7 | 3 years completed - transfer into 3rd year
- Students who have successfully completed a Level 7 Degree in Early Childhood Education (or equivalent),of at least three years duration, with an average of 60% or over may apply for entry to third year
Level 8 | 1 year completed - transfer into 2nd year
- Students who have successfully completed 1 year of a Level 8 Honours degree in Early Childhood Education (or equivalent) with an average 60% or over
For all applications:
Please include with the transfer application:
- Personal statement specifying motivation and why you are applying for this course and experience in Childcare in a TUSLA/DES notified early years setting.
- Applicants may also be required to attend for interview following assessment of their transfer application.
Applications will be assessed after the application deadline of July 14th.
Contact the Admissions and Student Recruitment Office
Aiveen Cooper manages external transfer applications.
01 - 7083593
Maynooth University
Admissions & Student Recruitment Office,
Maynooth University,
Co. Kildare
Alternatively contact the Admissions Office.