Online course for Europe will ‘reimagine PhD education’
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The objective of the OPENING DOORS initiative is to develop an educational programme that spans disciplinary, geographic and sectoral boundaries. The project is designed to foster more open, innovative, socially aware and entrepreneurial research graduates, ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing work environment.
This will be accomplished through a challenge-based, open, online educational course in open science and open innovation, offered to students across Europe. This educational programme will be co-designed with key stakeholders from open innovation networks including current PhD students and postgraduates, employers of research graduates, PhD educators and stakeholders from public service sectors and citizen groups.
Trends in globalisation and technological advances indicate increasing demand for new types of knowledge and skills in the European workforce. A gap has been identified in current PhD programmes in meeting future employment needs. Current curricula do not always foster big-picture thinkers and creative problem-solvers – graduate attributes that our society needs, according to analysts.
There is a growing need to re-imagine a PhD education that incentivises doctoral students to engage with other knowledge creators and users, not only within their discipline, but also across other disciplines and sectors to have meaningful societal and economic impact.
OPENING DOORS is funded by Europe’s “Science with and for Society” H2020 programme, which aligns perfectly with Insight’s Education and Public Engagement strategy. Researchers from University College Dublin; Maynooth University; Aarhus University, Denmark; National Training Fund, Czech Republic and the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan will undertake the project over a period of 15 months.
ALL Institute member involved in the project