Screencast-O-Matic has been rebranded as ScreenPal - the tools work the same way they always have however the website has a fresh look.
A screencast (also known as a vodcast or enhanced podcast) is a digital video and audio recording of computer screen activity. For example, a step-by-step walkthrough of an application process or a narrated presentation. Here are some examples of how screencasts are being used to support teaching and learning activities at Maynooth University.
- Supporting 'Flipped Classroom' approaches
- Providing summaries of lectures
- Providing mini-tutorials or micro-lessons on difficult concepts
- Providing supplementary materials
- Communicating class announcements
- Providing general class feedback on exams
- Providing individualised feedback to students on formative assessment
- As an assessment format
There are a range of tools you can use to create screencasts including MS PowerPoint, Panopto, Camtasia, Captivate and ScreenPal.
Maynooth University staff can avail of a ScreenPal license via the Maynooth University Team Plan. ScreenPal enables you to record, edit, publish and manage your video recordings. Just follow the details below to get setup.