PhD student is awarded a place on the highly competitive short courses offered by the British Pharmacological Society and The Physiological Society

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 00:00

The department would like to congratulate one of our PhD students Michelle Doran on being awarded a place on one of the Short Courses in Integrative Pharmacology and Physiology offered by the British Pharmacological Society and The Physiological Society. These 2 week residential courses offer students the opportunity to obtain a home office license and access the highest quality training in in vivo techniques. These courses are supported by the Wellcome Trust, BBSRC and MRC.  Places on the course are highly competitive, in high demand and give students excellent hands on experience that potential employers are looking for. Michelle is currently undertaking her research under the supervision of Professor John Lowry and Dr. Niall Finnerty.  For further information please see the following link