John Sheridan

It is difficult to pick just one highlight from three years worth of experiences. To be the first member of my family to qualify from college was a major achievement but meeting my beautiful girlfriend has to be the main highlight. We were in the same mathematics class the whole way through but only really got a chance to know one another during some group work in our final year and haven't looked back since.
I have always been involved heavily with sports and my time in Maynooth allowed me to continue developing this aspect of my life.
The easy accessibility of the college via train for me cut down on commute time and allowed more time and focus to be spent on the areas I was passionate about. Also my timetable and the college facilities gave me the opportunity to train extensively.
I was already heavily involved in club activities, six days per week, before beginning my studies at Maynooth but also added some additional variety to my schedule through the college societies and facilities. I began boxing and placed second at the inter varsities. I was a member of the sports karate club and almost qualified for the national squad. Also I tried out Suas, snooker, soccer, and the gym.
For me, Maynooth just seemed different to all the other colleges I visited on open days. It was unlike the colleges in Dublin that often seemed too cramped or hectic, yet still had everything I needed and was close enough to Dublin at the same time. Because the college is such a large part of Maynooth itself, I also found the atmosphere there to be different and better than elsewhere.
Find your passion, and go after it! Too many people concentrate on what profession they think will make the most money, or will keep parents and friends happy, but then end up unhappy themselves and drop out. Passion is the key to success.