Welcome to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the home of excellent teaching, research, public engagement, and creative arts at Maynooth University. We are proud of the highly engaged teaching and learning environment we create with our diverse student community.
Our committed staff are widely published and dedicated to exploring exciting questions at the heart of arts and humanities research. Our alumni have made a significant contribution to the arts, to intellectual life and to society in Ireland and around the world.
Formerly known as the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy, many of the faculty departments have their roots in the 1795 heritage of Maynooth University and continue to be committed to valuing our past while progressing pioneering thinking and ideas in our fields into the future.
An tOllamh Alison Hood
Déan na Dáimhe
Fáilte go dtí Dámh na nDán agus na nDaonnachtaí, lárionad don teagasc, don taighde, don rannpháirtíocht phoiblí agus do na dána cruthaitheacha in Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Táimid bródúil as ár dtimpeallacht an-ghníomhach ó thaobh an teagaisc agus na foghlama de a chruthaímid lenár bpobal mic léinn éagsúil.
Tá ár mbaill foirne dhíocasacha foilsithe go forleathan agus tiomanta do cheisteanna corraitheacha i gcroílár thaighde na ndán agus na ndaonnachtaí. Tá ár n-alumni tar éis méid suntasach a chur leis na dána, leis an saol intleachtúil agus leis an tsochaí in Éirinn agus thar timpeall an domhain.
Ba é an t-ainm tráth da raibh ná Dámh na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na Fealsúnachta agus téann fréamhacha roinnt mhaith de ranna na dáimhe chomh fada siar leis an mbliain 1975 agus le bunú na hOllscoile. Tá sé tábhachtach dúinn aitheantas a thabhairt don am atá caite ag an am céanna le smaointeoireacht cheannródaíoch inár réimsí spéise a thabhairt chun cinn.