In this round table discussion supported by the ESAI Curriculum Studies Special Interest Group we will explore how curriculum as conversation across levels can provide a space where policy, practice and research come together in innovative and unique ways.
Majella Dempsey – will discuss the concept of curriculum as conversation and the potential for policy, practice and research to assemble within this space.
Jim Gleeson (DCU) - will discuss the evolution of Irish curriculum culture: understandings, policy, reform and change.
Audrey Doyle (DCU) – will present on curriculum making in initial teacher education.
Olive Laffoy – will present on how research and policy impacts on practice at school level bringing her experience as a school leader, school placement tutor and supervisor of research projects with MEdELM students.
Tazila Parveen Ramputh – will present on how accountability practices impact on curriculum at third level.
Seán Ó Foghlú – will discuss developments in national curriculum policy development.
The event will begin with a cheese and wine reception at 17.00 where the conversation can begin around some key questions such as;
• How do we solve the dilemma of getting policy, practice and research to come in to conversation with each other?
• Do our policy bodies such as HEA, DE, NCCA, TC and so on build policy on solid foundation of research and knowledge of practice?
• How is research brought in to conversation in schools and universities?
• How do we support the curriculum conversation in order to bring closer links between policy, practice and research across all levels?
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