In fall 2019 the Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy will arrange a series of conversations with interested researchers from the three departments of education and other parts of the university. The aim of these conversations is to explore and identify relevant issues concerning public education in Ireland and elsewhere, theoretically as well as practically, and which can serve as the basis for developing a collaborative research programme for the Centre.
Such a research program is essential for giving the activities of the Centre direction and focus, also in order to have an impact on current debates concerning public education, in Ireland, Europe, and beyond. The ambition of the Centre is to promote a sustained, research-informed conversation about the publicness of education.
The research programme will function dynamically, both in guiding ongoing activities and research and as being developed by further research based conversations. The Program is intended as an interactive and living document to guide the ongoing development of the work of the Centre.
Each conversation will start with a short introduction but will in all other aspects be explorative in character, based on what those attending wish to bring to the table. Each conversation will built on the previous one, thus guaranteeing progression towards the writing of a research programme document.
Parallel to the conversations the Centre will be hosting invited lectures (for the programme see, a winter doctoral conference (January 2020), and a one-day conference on the publicness of education (late spring 2020).
You are hereby invited to take part in those conversations!
25th September, 16:15-18:00, SE 129, School of Education
13th November, 16:15-18:00, Seminar room 1:33, Iontas
11th December, 16:15-18:00, Seminar room 1:33, Iontas
For further information
[email protected]
Maynooth University Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
ToggleInvitation to join a conversation about the publicness of education
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 16:15 to 18:00
SE 129, School of Education