The Course is designed to take account of the major changes that have occurred in recent years in the delivery of special education. Course participants will acquire the skills necessary to tailor classroom practice to take account of the diverse range of special needs encountered in the range of educational settings.
- Overview of special education developments nationally and internationally
- Current DES Policy and Legislation at Primary and Second Level
- Curriculum development for children with special educational needs
- The Role of Assessment in Special Education
- Supporting and Developing Literacy Skills
- Supporting and Developing Mathematical Skills
- Classroom management and record keeping
- Development of Individual Educational Plans
- Differentiating the Curriculum
- General Learning Disabilities
- Emotional and/or Behavioural Difficulties
- Specific Speech and Language Disorders
- Dyspraxia
- Autism
- Visual and Hearing Impairment
- Physical Disability
- Cognitive and Behavioural Intervention Strategies
- ICT Applications for Children with Special Needs
- Consulting & Co-operating with Mainstream Teachers
Applicants who are eligible to apply for the course must
- have a recognised teaching qualification in accordance with Circular 140/2006 and Circular Letter 25/00
- have satisfactorily completed their probationary period
- hold a sanctioned full-time teaching position in a mainstream primary, secondary or special school
- be registered in accordance with Section 31 of the Teaching Council Act, 2001 and have a teaching number.
- be teaching, over the duration of the Course, the same group of pupils having special educational needs
Applicants will be required to provide evidence of qualification(s).
Students must complete all five modules. The modules will be delivered online, two evenings per week and also involves independent reading.
- Inclusive Education
- Assessment, Planning, & Record Keeping
- SEN: Language and Literacy
- Range of Special Educational Needs
- Mathematics and Current Issues in SEN
- Teaching Practice, Class Performance and Preparation
Participants will be assessed on the basis of full attendance at the course, successful completion of selected tasks and written assignments along with supervision of their teaching (including planning and preparation) in their own school.
The Diploma programme requires completion of written assignments based on module content. Course work is interactive and focuses on strategic interventions. Most assignments are classroom-based and designed to build skills in special education practice; these include case studies, intervention projects and the development of IEPs. Extensive supportive reading is required. The Course also includes supervised Teaching Practice in participant’s own school. Details on assignments and grading are provided during the first session. In addition, tutors will provide additional, specific guidance for each course as appropriate.
The application procedure for this course will be detailed in due course.
As part of the application process you will be required to upload the following:
- Transcripts.
- Evidence of Garda Clearance.
- Evidence of Teaching Council registration.
- Two references.
- Letter from your Principal confirming that you meet the minimum required contact hours with students with SEN (10 hours) and that you are on a fixed contract or in a permanent position
Closing date for receipt of completed online applications will be confirmed.
Please note that shortlisting may apply.
Further information can be obtained by contacting:
Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Maynooth University
Co Kildare
Telephone: (01) 474 7400
Email: [email protected]