Earlier this summer Seán Ó Foghlú (MUSSI) and Prof Mark Boyle held small group meetings on linking research with policy.
They now plan to have two follow-up seminars (with some group work!) to further discuss these issues and to seek to move further towards agreement on next steps.
The seminars are taking place from 2.30pm to 4.15pm on Wednesday 28 September and Tuesday 3 October in the MUSSI seminar room 2.31 in the Iontas building. There will be tea and coffee available in advance from 2pm.
They are finalising a paper summarising what they heard at the seminars and looking at ways forward. They will make this available in advance of the seminars to all those attending with a view to discussing this at the seminars.
Numbers are limited so it is important to register in advance. Any MU staff member is invited to attend, even if you were not able to attend one of the small group meetings. (*note you must use a MU email address to register)
Please consider registering below for one of the seminars (*click here if form does not load correctly)