The Department of Geography has received a renewal of their Athena Swan Bronze Certification, in recognition of their renewed commitment to address systemic inequalities and advance gender equality for staff and students in Higher Education. The department first achieved bronze level certification in 2019. The renewal marks a new phase of determination in the Department to address issues and ensure that all staff in leadership roles take on responsibilities in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
The Self-Assessment Team (SAT) for the application was led by Dr Gerard McCarthy along with 10 colleagues from the Department. The SAT was supported in its work by the EDI Office, Human Resources and the Institutional Research Office.
To retain Bronze level certification, departments are required to perform a critical self-reflection, identify progress and/or issues to progressing gender equality, and formulate a plan of targeted, time-bound actions. The current application included a four-year Gender Equality Action Plan specific to the Department of Geography that aims to address key challenges to gender equality and, where relevant, wider equality work in the department.
Dr Stephen McCarron, Head of the Department of Geography said: "I would like to thank the Self-Assessment Team, the EDI Office led by Dr Gemma Irvine, Athena Swan Ireland, and all the students and staff of our department who participated and contributed to the critical self-assessment process. With this Athena Swan Bronze Renewal, we continue on our journey together to further promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in all aspects of our departmental activities."
Dr Gerard McCarthy, Department of Geography Self-Assessment Team Chair, commented: “I would like to thank the SAT who worked hard on the application and since the original award. In particular, I would like to thank Professor Karen Till who led the SAT until 2023. I welcome Athena Swan Ireland’s recognition of our renewed vows to address gendered issues in the Department and advance equality.”
Dr Gemma Irvine, Vice President for Equality & Diversity, said: “The international peer review of the Department’s application welcomed the honest reflection and critical self-assessment undertaken in support of the development of the application. The Department’s renewed action plan has identified specific areas of targeted focus to advance gender equality and I look forward to continuing to work with them on implementing this."
About Athena Swan
The Athena Swan Charter is a framework that is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality in higher education and research. By being part of Athena Swan, institutions and departments are committing to a progressive charter; adopting these principles within their policies, practices, action plans and culture.
The Athena Swan Charter was launched in Ireland in 2015 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) in higher education and research. The charter has since been expanded to recognise work undertaken in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSBBL), and staff working in professional, managerial and support roles. The charter framework also recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, including consideration of the experience of trans staff and students, as well as the underrepresentation of men in particular disciplines.
The Athena Swan Ireland Charter is unique to Ireland but aligns broadly with the global charter principles. Introduced in October 2021, it has further adapted the previous expanded charter framework to the Irish HEI context and takes a comprehensive multi-level approach to organisation structural/cultural change across the equality grounds enshrined in Irish legislation. This includes national drivers and links to core grant and research funding, and European Commission requirements for Horizon Europe.
In 2018, Maynooth University was the first Higher Education Institution in Ireland to achieve an Athena Swan Bronze Institution Award under the expanded charter, in recognition of its commitment to progressing gender and intersectional equality for staff and students. The University renewed its Bronze Award in 2022, under the new Charter framework. Sixteen Maynooth University Departments/Schools have now achieved Athena Swan Bronze: in addition to the six departments and two schools in the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies & Philosophy, the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Experimental Physics, Geography, Maths & Statistics, Psychology, the School of Law & Criminology, and the School of Business each hold Bronze Awards.
For further information:
Equality Projects Officer, Maynooth University, [email protected]