Abbie Nugent

I thoroughly enjoyed my undergrad and masters experince in Maynooth. The highlight of my experience was when I decided to do single major geography at undergraduate. Making this decision and focusing purely on geography helped me narrow down my interests and pick from a wide range of modules all relating to my interests.
Undergraduate award for best physical geography results in final year exams.
Taught Masters Scholarship.
Maynooth proivded a sense of community I don't think exists within many third level institutions. In particular, the Geography Department was extremely welcoming and helpful.
I learned many valuable skills in Maynooth. Critical thinking, public speaking, presentation skills. In relation to my undergraduate and masters degree more specifically I learned how to work with spatial and temporal data sets in GIS and R, these are very useful skills to have when pursuing a career in geography.
If you're looking for a welcoming atmosphere with an abundance of choice in modules, Maynooth (more specifically Maynooth geography) is the place for you!