Lauren Napier PhD Candidate & Lecturer, Northumbria University l.napier@northumbria.ac.uk
Lauren undertook, and recently submitted, her PhD research on the topic of space governance in Northumbria University. She currently is a Lecturer at Northumbria University teaching space, telecom, cyber and AI law.
Ciara Finnegan PhD Candidate & IRC Postgraduate Scholar 2021-23, Maynooth University ciara.finnegan.2014@mumail.ie
Ciara is undertaking her PhD research on the topic of forming recommendations for the regulation of the use of weapons in Outer Space from the perspective of the principle of humanity in International Humanitarian Law in Maynooth University.
What is this Seminar about?
Outer Space, while recognised in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty as being reserved for “peaceful purposes”, is nevertheless a militarised environment. This environment has also become more crowded in recent times, with satellite constellations, the increasing amount of space debris, the activities of private space actors and future prospects, such as the Artemis Mission to the Moon and private space tourism. Thus, Outer Space is home to a crowd of competing interests, adding tension to an already militarised environment, and the risk of tension rising to the extent that an armed conflict will occur and IHL will apply grows ever nearer. In this seminar, Lauren and Ciara will discuss the intersection of International Space Law with International Humanitarian Law and how this could apply to the contested environment of Outer Space. All Maynooth University & Northumbria University students are welcome to attend!