Seth Barrett Tillman’s forthcoming article in the Irish Law Times was discussed in the legal practitioners’ blog and news portal: Irish Legal News. Tillman co-authored the article with a former Maynooth University law student: Daniel Epstein-O’Dowd. See Seth Barrett Tillman and Daniel Epstein-O’Dowd, ‘The Irish Election—Lessons Learned’ (forthcoming 2025) Irish Law Times, <>. The Irish Legal News explains:
[Tillman and O’Dowd’s article] argues that th[e] [status quo] gives more power to voters living among “large numbers of non-voters, such as children and (non-voter) migrants” in comparison to “a similarly placed group of Irish voters in another constituency with fewer or no children or migrants”.
The authors propose holding a referendum to amend Article 16 of the [Irish] Constitution to instead correlate the number of seats within a constituency with its eligible voters.
‘Call for non-voters to be excluded from constituency size calculations’ (Irish Legal News, 7 January 2025) <> accessed 7 January 2025.
Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology
ToggleSeth Barrett Tillman’s forthcoming article in the Irish Law Times discussed in Irish Legal News
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - 09:30