Welcome to the Department of Geography Maynooth University. Geography is the study of the Earth as our Home. We recognise that society, climate and environment are interlinked and we use interdisciplinary perspectives to explore and understand our human and physical worlds across place, space and time. Our students are taught by international experts seeking answers to fundamental questions about how we live together in our Earth home... [Find out more]
Fáilte go Roinn Tíreolaíochta Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Staidéar ar an Domhan ina mairimid is ábhar don Tíreolaíocht. Aithnímid go bhfuil an tsochaí, an aeráid agus an timpeallacht fite fuaite lena chéile agus bainimid úsáid as peirspictíochtaí idirdhisciplíneacha chun iniúchadh a dhéanamh agus tuiscint a fháil ar dhomhan an duine agus ar an domhan fisiceach araon ó thaobh áite, spáis agus ama. Saineolaithe idirnáisiúnta atá ag lorg freagraí ar cheisteanna bunúsacha faoin gcaoi a mairimid le chéile agus faoin Domhan is baile dúinn a mhúineann na mic léinn. [Tuilleadh eolais]
Maynooth University Department of Geography
ToggleDr. Conchúr Ó Maonaigh Awarded SEAI Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research on Just Transitions in the Irish Transportation Sector.
Dr Conchúr Ó Maonaigh has been awarded a €202,342.25 postdoctoral fellowship by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to undertake a research project titled ‘Ireland’s Low-Carbon Transport Sector: The Road to a Just Transition.’
Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
MU report highlights need to remove barriers for women in agriculture
A study led by researchers at Maynooth University has, for the first time, provided an in-depth profile of female farmers in Ireland, identifying the barriers they face and recommending policy changes to tackle them.
Date: Friday, 07 March 2025
'The Rent Strike' Seminar
'The Rent Strike' is a documentary that tells the story of the rent strikes which occurred throughout Ireland between 1970-73 through interviews with people who organised and participated in the campaign and their relatives. Introduced by Professor Karen Till, Dr Fiadh Tubridy and Dr Carla Kayanan
When: Wednesday, 26 March 2025
MUSSI/Geography Early Career Research Skills Seminar Series
MUSSI and the Geography Research Committee are pleased to introduce the 2025 Early Career Research Skills Seminar Series.
When: Thursday, 03 April 2025

The Department of Geography is on the top floor of Rhetoric House on the South Campus of Maynooth University.