Amy Dawson

Time management, organisational skills and communication skills.
Any other relevant information on your career to date:
I finished my BA in Maynooth University in 1998. I did a Higher Diploma in Development Studies for a year in UCD. A few years later I did a part-time Masters in Information and Library Management by distance learning. I loved it and would highly recommend it! For a couple of years I thought my arts degree was a waste of time as I emerged from it not really qualified to do anything. My higher diploma was certainly interesting and enjoyable, but I think it just occupied me for another year at a time when I felt a bit “lost”. In hindsight I probably should have gone traveling or volunteer working instead. However, the Masters was different in that with a small child by then, it allowed me to study while working and raising my daughter. I am not actively using it now, although I can clearly see how I am applying it in my work. I hope that I will be able to use it more directly in time, but may need to do internships in order to do this. It’s only really now over 10 years later that I can see how applicable in general the BA was and how it did give me very transferable skills that maybe I didn’t appreciate at the time!
(Submitted July 2012)