Summer School - Reinventing Ireland after the crash

Monday, June 29, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, July 3, 2015 - 17:00
Iontas Building

This Summer School, jointly organised by Maynooth University and York University in Toronto, will bring together researchers from within and beyond the academy, community workers and activists, to reflect upon ongoing efforts to “reinvent” Ireland in the wake of the collapse of the Celtic Tiger economy and the ensuing crises. Ireland’s experience of boom, bust, and recovery has attracted world-wide attention. Indeed in some quarters Ireland’s recovery strategy is being heralded as model exemplar that other countries ought to follow. But it is clear that significant social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental problems persist, many of which are being aggravated by the path to renewal which the  Irish state has chosen. This Summer School will chart the ongoing legacies of the crash, will place under critical scrutiny Ireland’s recovery story, and will consider anew the question of ‘renewing the Republic’.
Topics covered will include:

Boom bust and recovery

  • From boom to bust: The rise and fall of Ireland’s Celtic Tiger economy.
  • The Irish recovery model: An overview of the remedial measures enacted.
  • The recovery story under scrutiny: On two speed (and multi-speed) recoveries.


Tales of eight crises and their aftermaths

  • The property crises: From ghost estates to homelessness.
  • The financial crises: Banking reform.
  • The fiscal crises: The austerity agenda.   
  • The economic crises: Whatever happened to the ‘good Tiger’?
  • The unemployment crises: The fate of Irish labour.
  • The political crises: Earthquake elections or more of the same?
  • The emigration crises: Ireland’s newest diaspora?
  • The planning crises:  Spatial planning in post crises Ireland.
The neoliberalising city

  • Field trip (Dublin and its environs).
Renewing the Republic

  • Popular social movements and the fate of anti-austerity initiatives.
  • Renewing the public realm in Ireland: From post-politics to agonistic debate.
  • Panel discussion - Renewing the Republic: Imagining the future.

Attendance at the summer school is FREE but registration is essential.
Students who attend the summer school and complete an adjoining piece of assessment will be awarded 5 ECTS.
Please direct queries about the summer school to [email protected].