Ireland’s fastest growing university today unveiled plans to grow research to address global and societal challenges, and expand total postgraduate enrolments by more than 60% over the next five years. At the launch of its Strategic Plan 2018-2022.
Maynooth University also announced a joint International College of Engineering at one of China’s leading universities that will see 1,200 Chinese students graduate with Maynooth University degrees in computer science and electronic engineering over the next four years.
Maynooth International College of Engineering, Fuzhou University, will support academic and cultural exchange and pave the way for future research and innovation partnerships, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.
Under the new strategic plan, a €300 million capital investment will transform the Maynooth University campus experience. Construction on a new state-of-the-art academic centre will begin in early 2019. In addition to a range of innovation, sports and recreation amenities, a new Student Centre and on-campus student bed accommodation for an extra 1,000 students form part of a sustainable Campus Masterplan.
The Maynooth University Strategic Plan 2018-22 which prioritises research and postgraduate studies, was launched today by Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD.
Speaking at the launch of Strategic Plan, she said: “Maynooth University has made enormous strides during its relatively short history as an independent institution. Its work in undergraduate education in recent years has been remarkable and I greatly welcome the strategic vision and roadmap set out in this latest plan to drive research, postgraduate studies and internationalisation at the University. These are three drivers of excellence in global education and will position Maynooth well as one of Ireland’s academic powerhouses long into the future.”
She continued: “The plan builds on Maynooth University’s work in widening participation and expanding student choice through the introduction of a new undergraduate curriculum that is regarded as the single most important development in undergraduate education in Ireland in recent years.”
Maynooth University President, Professor Philip Nolan, said the institution now aims to grow its doctoral community to 600 and increase the number of master’s students at the University to 1,600.
“Last year Maynooth University marked its 20th anniversary as an independent institution, and its achievements in that time have been remarkable. We are recognised for our world-class research which drives the excellent teaching at the University. Our new undergraduate curriculum, rooted in the tradition of a liberal education, has brought unparalleled choice to students and is better preparing them to adapt to the careers of the future. It is now timely to focus on the postgraduate and research aspects of our mission to drive us forward over the next five to 10 years,” said Professor Philip Nolan.
Key to bolstering Maynooth University’s international credentials is the establishment of its first joint International College of Engineering, with Fuzhou University in the Fujian province of China, which will see around 300 students graduate annually with Maynooth University degrees when it reaches full capacity. Maynooth University is currently recruiting a team of 13 lecturers plus administrative support for the venture as part of a commitment to developing a world class education partnership.
Located in the southeast of China, Fuzhou University has been identified as part of China’s Project 211, which aims to bolster the standards of the top 100 Chinese universities. Maynooth University’s partnership with Fuzhou University will not only support this goal, but also encourage academic and cultural exchange between Ireland and China. The initiative is assisted by Enterprise Ireland and it is expected to enhance global research endeavours while also raising Maynooth University’s profile in the world’s fastest growing market.
Commenting on the partnership with Fuzhou University, Professor Philip Nolan said: “This is a necessary move for a bold, progressive young university. It is about embedding ourselves in the local culture and academic environment to strive together for world-class developments. Fuzhou has been selected as one of the highest potential universities in all of China and a long-term partnership is the appropriate way forward to develop a flow of knowledge, research and students.”
In recent years Maynooth University has witnessed significant growth and progress. It has:
- Increased student numbers by over 60% to 12,500 since 2008
- Grown its CAO first preferences by more than a third (to 3,408) in the same period
- Seen the number of international students more than double to 1,100
- Expanded staff numbers by 37% to 428 since 2012
- Delivered a diverse collection of high technology start-up companies, supported by the MaynoothWorks business incubator
- Built strong links with more than 50 enterprise partners across the country in a range of areas
- Cemented its position as the national leader in widening participation in university education. More than 45% of new MU undergraduates are the first in their families to experience higher education.
Maynooth University is Ireland’s fastest growing university and is ranked as one of the top 100 global universities under 50 years old by the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings.
Maynooth University Strategic Plan 2018-22 is available to read here:
Oideachas taighde agus iarchéime i gcroílár Phlean Straitéiseach Ollscoil Mhá Nuad 2018 – 2022
Tabharfaidh an Plean Fhorbairt Chaipitil ar luach €300 milliún tacaíocht don Phlean Straitéiseach
Coláiste Idirnáisiúnta Innealtóireachta Mhá Nuad Chun Bheith Bunaithe as an Nua in Ollscoil Fuzhou na Síne
Dé Céadaoin 17 Mí Dheireadh Fómhair 2018 – Chuir an ollscoil a bhfuil an borradh is mó in Éirinn uirthi pleananna in iúl inniu chun taighde a fhorbairt a thabharfaidh aghaidh ar dhúshláin dhomhanda agus shóisialta agus chun 60% níos mó cláraithe iarchéime a dheimhniú sa chéad chúig bliana eile. Ag an seoladh dá Plean Straitéiseach 2018 – 2022, d’fhógair Ollscoil Mhá Nuad Comhcholáiste Idirnáisiúnta Innealtóireachta ag ceann de na hollscoileanna is rathúla sa tSín agus ciallaíonn sé sin go mbainfidh 1,200 mac léinn sa tSín céimeanna de chuid Ollscoil Mhá Nuad amach sa ríomheolaíocht agus san innealtóireacht leictreonach sa chéad cheithre bliana eile.
Tabharfaidh Coláiste Idirnáisiúnta Innealtóireachta Mhá Nuad, Ollscoil Fuzhou, tacaíocht do mhalartú acadúil agus cultúrtha agus spreagfaidh sé comhpháirtíochtaí taighde agus nuálaíochta sa todhchaí, iad siúd a bhaineann le hintleacht shaorga agus le róbataic ach go háirithe.
Faoin bplean straitéiseach nua, athróidh infheistíocht chaipitil ar luach €300 milliún eispéireas campais Mhá Nuad ó bhun go barr. Cuirfear tús le foirgníocht d’ionad acadúil úrscothach go luath sa bhliain 2019. Chomh maith le réimse leathan d’áiseanna nuálaíochta, spóirt agus caithimh aimsire, tá Ionad Mac Léinn nua agus iostas ar an gcampas le leapacha do 1,000 mac léinn sa bhreis mar chuid den Mháistirphlean Campais inbhuanaithe.
Seoladh Plean Straitéiseach Ollscoil Mhá Nuad 2018-22, a thugann tús áite don staidéar taighde agus iarchéime, ag an tAire Stáit don Ardoideachas Máire Mistéil Ní Chonchubhair, TD. Ag labhairt ag an seoladh don Phlean Straitéiseach, dúirt sí: “Tá céimeanna ollmhóra chun tosaigh tógtha ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, cé nach bhfuil sí ar an bhfód mar institiúid neamhspleách ar feadh i bhfad. Tá a cuid oibre san oideachas fochéime tar éis bheith suntasach le blianta beaga anuas agus cuirimse céad míle fáilte roimh an bhfís straitéiseach agus an treochlár atá leagtha síos chun taighde, staidéar iarchéime agus idirnáisiúnú a chur chun cinn san Ollscoil. Is sa trí bhealach seo a bhaintear sármhaitheas amach san oideachas domhanda agus, mar thoradh orthu, is ag feidhmiú mar cheann de lárionaid acadúla na hÉireann a bheidh Má Nuad amach anseo.”
Ag leanúint uirthi, dúirt sí: “Cuireann an plean leis an obair atá déanta ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad chun rannpháirtíocht agus rogha mac léinn a leathnú tar éis do churaclam fochéime nua bheith curtha ar fáil. Meastar gurb é an curaclam sin an fhorbairt is tábhachtaí san oideachas fochéime in Éirinn le blianta beaga anuas.”
Dúirt Uachtarán Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, an tOllamh Pilib Ó Nualláin go bhfuil sé mar sprioc ag an institiúid anois go bhfásfadh an pobal dochtúireachta go 600 agus go méadódh líon na mac léinn máistreachta ag an Ollscoil go 1,600.
“Bhí fiche bliain caite anuraidh ó bunaíodh Ollscoil Mhá Nuad mar institiúid neamhspleách agus tá gaiscí suntasacha bainte amach aici ó shin i leith. Táimid aitheanta dár taighde den chéad scoth a thiomáineann ard-chaighdeán teagaisc na hollscoile. Is fréamhaithe i dtraidisiún an oideachais liobrálaigh atá ár gcuraclam fochéime nua agus tá sé tar éis rogha thar na bearta a thabhairt dár mic léinn chun go mbeidis in ann do ghairmeacha na todhchaí. Ní mór dúinn anois díriú isteach ar na gnéithe iarchéime agus taighde dár gcuspóir chun muid féin a chur chun tosaigh sna blianta amach romhainn, bíodh idir cúig bliana agus deich mbliana i gceist,” arsa an tOllamh Pilib Ó Nualláin.
Is rí-thábhachtach an rud é chun dintiúir idirnáisiúnta Ollscoil Mhá Nuad a neartú go mbeidh a céad Chomhcholáiste Idirnáisiúnta Innealtóireachta bunaithe i gcomhar le hOllscoil Fuzhou i gcúige Fujian na Síne. Ciallaíonn sé seo go mbainfidh 300 mac léinn céimeanna de chuid Ollscoil Mhá Nuad amach gach bliain chomh luath is a bheidh na cúrsaí lánlíonta. Tá foireann de 13 leachtóir chomh maith le tacaíocht riaracháin á n-earcú ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad ar mhaithe leis an bhfiontar seo faoi láthair óir tá sí tiomanta do chomhpháirtíocht oideachais den chéad scoth a fhorbairt.
Lonnaithe in oirdheisceart na Síne, tá Ollscoil Fuzhou aitheanta mar chuid de Thionscadal 211 na Síne agus is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail ná na caighdeáin a bhaineann leis an 100 ollscoil is rathúla sa tSín a fheabhsú. Ní amháin go dtabharfaidh comhphairtíocht Ollscoil Mhá Nuad le hOllscoil Fuzhou tacaíocht don chuspóir seo ach spreagfaidh sé malartú acadúil agus cultúrtha idir Éire agus an tSín freisin. Tugann Fiontraíocht Éireann cúnamh don tionscadal agus tá an chuma ar an scéal go bhfeabhsóidh sé dianiarrachtaí taighde domhanda agus go n-ardóidh sé próifíl Ollscoil Mhá Nuad sa mhargadh a bhfuil an borradh is mó air sa domhan.
Ag trácht ar an gcomhphairtíocht le hOllscoil Fuzhou, dúirt an tOllamh Pilib Ó Nualláin: “Ní mór d’ollscoil chróga, fhorásach, óg dul sa treo seo. Tá sé i gceist againn bheith fite fuaite leis an gcultúr aitiúil agus leis an timpeallacht acadúil ionas go mbeimid in ann forbairtí den chéad scoth a bhaint amach. Roghnaíodh Fuzhou toisc gur ceann de na hollscoileanna leis na feidearthachtaí is mó sa tSín í agus is feiliúnach an bealach é comhpháirtíocht fadtéarmach chun sruth d’eolas, de thaighde agus de mhic léinn a fhorbairt eadrainn.”
Le blianta beaga anuas tá Ollscoil Mhá Nuad tar éis bheith mar fhinné ar fhorás agus ar fhorbairt thar cuimse. Tá na héachtaí seo a leanas bainte amach aici:
- Tá líon na mac léinn meadaithe 60% go 12,500 ón mbliain 2008.
- Tá trian sa bhreis mac léinn ag teacht chuici (3,408 ar an iomlán) le linn na tréimhse céanna.
- Ta líon na mac léinn idirnáisiúnta dúbailte go 1,100
- Tá líon na foirne sínte go 428 ón mbliain 2012.
- Tá réimse leathan de ghnólachtaí nuathionscanta ar ard-theicneolaíocht curtha chun siúil le tacaíocht ón ngorlann ghnó Maynnoth Works.
- Tá nascanna láidre cruthaithe le 50 comhpháirtí fiontraíochta i gceantair éagsúla ar fud na tíre.
- Tá a stádas daingnithe mar cheannaire náisiúnta sa rannpháirtíocht leathnaithe in oideachas ollscoile.
Tá an borradh is mó ar Ollscoil Mhá Nuad as na hollscoileanna ar fad in Éirinn agus tá sí rangaithe mar cheann den 100 ollscoil nua is rathúla ar fud an domhain ag Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings.
Tá Plean Straitéiseach Ollscoil Mhá Nuad 2018-22 ar fáil le léamh anseo:
Iarratais do na meáin: Niamh Connolly, An Oifig Cumarsáide, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, Uimhir ghutháin 01 7086160
Grianghrafadóireacht: Tony Maxwell, Maxwell Photography 087 255 8081