
Dr David Doyle

Dr Doyle Co-Authors Chapter in New Book on Homicide, Gender and Responsibility

Lecturer in Law, Dr David Doyle, recently co-authored a chapter in a new book Homicide, Gender and Responsibility.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Dr Higgins Presents at Socio-Legal Studies Annual Conference at Lancaster University

Senior Lecturer in Law, Dr Noelle Higgins, recently gave a presentation at the Socio-Legal Studies Annual Conference.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Kennedy Institute researchers to assess effectiveness of EU’s role in Afghanistan

A team of four researchers from the Kennedy Institute will travel to Afghanistan this month for a field study that will provide new insights into Europe’s peacebuilding mission in the region. The team will evaluate the role played by the European Police (EUPOL) in supporting efforts in Afghanistan to build a civilian police force and transition to peace. EUPOL’s mission, which has been ongoing since 2007, is now due to cease.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Arrival of a new Visiting Fellow at AFF

An Foras Feasa is delighted to welcome Kaho Cheung as a Visiting Fellow to the Institute. Kaho arrives on Friday 15 April and will be with us through to 23 April 2016. He is an expert in electro-acoustic music and music for theatre with particular interests in field recordings and audio post production.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Maynooth University researchers to assess effectiveness of EU’s role in Afghanistan

Edward M Kennedy Institute secures Horizon 2020 funding for two conflict prevention projects

Monday, 11 April 2016

Student Services - students in eolas with pc - Maynooth University

Maynooth University named among Top 100 young universities in the world

Times Higher Education announcement continues trend of top performances in global rankings

Thursday, 07 April 2016

Dr Eva Barrett

Dr Barrett Granted Fulbright-Schuman Award

Lecturer in Law, Dr Eva Barrett, has been granted a Fulbright-Schuman award to conduct research and give guest lectures in Vermont Law School’s Institute for Energy and the Environment.

Tuesday, 05 April 2016

Dr Maria Murphy Discusses Algorithmic Surveillance at the University of Edinburgh

Lecturer in Law, Dr Maria Murphy, was recently invited to discuss algorithmic surveillance at the University of Edinburgh.

Tuesday, 05 April 2016

Connect 2016 links business with research

More than 170 business leaders learn about Maynooth University’s culture of fostering successful enterprise

Tuesday, 05 April 2016

Award-winning Maynooth University PhD Student in Life Sciences

Ms Nicola Moloney BSc, a 3rd year PhD student in the Department of Biology, Maynooth University was awarded the prestigious Best Oral Presentation Prize at the Irish Fungal Society Meeting which was held in Malahide, Co. Dublin from 20-22 March 2016.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016
