Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute is pleased to announce the call for applications for the  MU Social Sciences Institute Visiting Research Fellowships Scheme.

MU Social Sciences Institute Visiting Research Fellowships



Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute will award a number of Visiting Research Fellowships in the social sciences for the period June 1st 2020-June 30th 2021. The Fellowship Scheme is designed to enhance the research community of the University by fostering collaboration between Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute Visiting Fellows and academic staff at Maynooth University. Fellowship recipients will have the opportunity to engage with a vibrant research culture in the Institute (see www.maynoothuniversity/mussi ) and across the wider university, Dublin city area and the region.

Visiting Fellows will be provided with desk space in the institute, access to library and other IT resources. The institute comprises a diverse group of Principle Investigators and researchers, including postdoctoral fellows and postgraduates in different disciplines.


The Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute Visiting Fellowships are open to all disciplines in the social sciences.

The closing date for receipt of applications is NOW CLOSED

All applicants must hold a PhD. EU and non-EU citizens are eligible to apply. Awards are subject to the successful meeting of visa and any other requirements which are the sole responsibility of the applicant to organise in advance of their tenure at the Institute.

A complete application consists of a four-page proposal (maximum) PLUS a brief letter of support from a member of Maynooth University staff relevant to your project that includes indicative dates for the visit. It is the applicant’s responsibility to identify this member of staff and to organise the support letter. This person will be your designated staff sponsor for the duration of the fellowship and it is important the fellowship is scheduled at a time when mentors and colleagues are available.


• Page 1: List your name, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number(s), the period of fellowship requested (max. one month), the subject area of your research in terms of discipline, and a brief project title.

• Pages 2-3: Provide a summary of the proposed research project that explains the context, significance and projected outcome and impact (journal article, book, edited volume, performance, or other form of public dissemination) of your period of research in MUSSI. Please describe the people and resources important to your project in MU and where potential exists for future collaboration.

• Page 4: Provide an abbreviated one-page curriculum vitae stressing relevant publications and awards, and the name of one referee prepared to write on your behalf (separate from the MU person supporting the project). No other items should be appended to the proposal, which should not exceed 4 pages in length.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be judged by a peer review panel, according to the following criteria:

• Research profile of the applicant

• Quality of the proposed research project

• Extent to which the proposed project would enrich the partnership between Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, Maynooth University and the applicant

• Potential of the proposed project to lead to further research collaboration, institutional links and funding bids in the institute

• Proposed outcome(s)Application Deadline

• The applicant should submit all materials in a single document to [email protected] by 27th March 2020

• Applications received after this deadline or transmitted by post or fax will not be considered

• Incomplete applications will not be considered. All applications must include the 4 page proposal PLUS the letter of support from an MU staff member

• All applications will be acknowledged by email

• Fellowships will be administered through the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute and all queries can be directed in the first instance to [email protected]

Award Announcement

Decisions will be announced by email. Queries about applications in process cannot be acknowledged. Fellowship recipients and their research projects will be announced and acknowledged in MU SSI publicity.

Award Terms and Conditions

- Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute Fellowships must be taken up during the period June 1st 2020 – June 31st 2021.

- The funded Fellowship term is to a maximum of one month. There is no stated minimum term.

- The amount of the award will vary according to the length of proposed stay and the available overall budget, typically in the range €1000 (to cover reasonable travel and living expenses only, which will be paid after the Fellow’s stay by the reimbursement of expenses with receipts). Note: Maynooth University has reasonably priced on-campus accommodation

- During the research period, fellows are expected to have a significant presence in the Institute.

- Fellows may be asked to deliver one public lecture/workshop or seminar, which may be recorded, and to be available to meet with students at the undergraduate and/or postgraduate level.

- Fellows will be required to provide a one-page summary of their research for inclusion on our website as part of our effort to showcase the breadth and excellence of the research community that we support.

- Fellows are asked to credit ‘the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute’ and use our logo in any publication or other outcome related to the award.