Eoin Burke

So many to mention honestly, probably my involvement in clubs and societies. I ran for Welfare and Equality Officer with the Maynooth Students' Union and found this to be a great experience! Overall I liked how varied my time in Maynooth was, I think the modules available in both the geography and sociology departments helped with this a lot.
I was involved with the Tea Society and the Mental Health Society. I loved them both, but the Mental Health Society won an award during my time there. It helped me learn what I wanted to do in my career. I was also very honoured to be published in the Milieu magazine (2018 I think it was).
The different types of people you will meet. Lots of many different opinions. I found myself being challenged and learning to think about my outlook and not take things at face value so much
My openness and willingness to engage with new ideas, topics and experiences. I have a lot more confidence in different environments now and am very comfortable sharing spaces with people different to me.
I think Maynooth really has a great variety in the courses available and is a very welcoming environment, so it usually is a good fit for many. There is also a great sense of community there.