Mike Hogan Gilmartin

I loved my time in Maynooth. My studies had a huge impact on my life and career. I also met my wife in Maynooth University and we are now a family of four.
Maynooth has a fantastic community spirit and the location is one of the best in the country. I always felt equal and part of something special. My lecturers were inspiring and approachable.
The ability to critically think about the world we live in. Anthroplogy and Sociology has made me question everything. A lecturer of mine told me on my first day that the course would change how I look at the world forever. He was right. This has helped me in many aspects of my career.
It will set you on a path to a better understanding of the world we live in. Now more than ever, the world needs critical thinkers with an understanding of the past, present and future of humanity. Even if you're not sure what specific career path you want to take, this degree will benefit you no matter what job you seek.