We are running ongoing information sessions for registered landlords (or anyone interested in registering) to answer questions and offer guidance in using our online accommodation platform, Studentpad.
Studentpad is self-service facility offered by the University to help connect students and landlords. As such, landlords should be able to navigate the database website in order to create their property listing and appropriate advert once there is room availablilty.
There are two different types of sessions scheduled - one is a Introductory session to help landlords should they need support in the above and the other provides more detailed information about how to use the service, if required, in addition to offering landlords a networking opportunity to ask each other questions. However, each session is different and tailored to suit the attendees's questions on the day.
Each of these will be delivered in person and will be hosted in the Student Services building (see No.1 on the map displaying Student Services here). Look out for the cogs on the windows of the Student Services building!
Parking: During study week or outside of term time, you can park anywhere on Maynooth campus for free except for paid parking spots. More information on parking is available at Parking & traffic management | Maynooth University.
Introductory Sessions:
These would suit those landlords who are new to Studentpad and unfamiliar with how to navigate the online database. You may already have a property set up but would like to know how to make edits, etc. We will also cover some other useful information available on both the Maynooth University website and online on external websites.
Basic sessions can include:
- some useful sections on the MU website/external websites
- demonstrate how to create/edit a property
- demonstrate how to create an advert
- demonstrate how to edit/disable an advert
Networking Sessions:
These would suit those landlords who are comfortable creating their propery listing and can navigate the website to create adverts and make amendments. As such, this will largely take the form of a networking opportunity for landlords to discuss amongst each other how they handle the rental process, what they include in the rent paid, etc. This has been a very useful discussion in the past to help landlords get ideas of best practices and answer some general queries. Other landlords are also welcome but this is not the session to address basic queries on usage of the MaynoothStudentpad platform.
Networking sessions can include:
- some useful sections on the MU website/external websites
- remaining items to be covered will be based on the queries of the group attending
Upcoming Landlord Session Dates and Times:
To be scheduled
This schedule can be used as a guide to provide an information about the times when students will be carrying out their search for accommodation for the year ahead. Note: the schedule may be adjusted.
Student Group |
Who is part of this group |
Search Commences |
Adverts Close |
Accommodation Required |
Continuing (Current) Students |
Students who are already undertaking their studies at Maynooth University and are going into 2nd, 3rd or 4th year. Both Undergraduates and Postgraduates. |
14th April 2025 |
6th June 2025 |
5 Days
7 Days |
Incoming New Postgraduate Students |
Postgraduate students who will commence their PG studies at Maynooth this academic year. |
Ongoing |
Ongoing |
5 Days
7 Days |
Erasmus/International Students |
Age group 19yrs - 23yrs, in their 2nd or 3rd year of their undergraduate home university programme and typically they are taking the option of studying abroad for one semester or the full year. |
June 2025 (TBC) |
28th August 2025 |
7 Days |
Incoming CAO (First Year) Students |
Students who will commence their Undergraduate studies at Maynooth is academic year. An access date will be confirmed once a date for CAO offers has been released. |
End August 2025 (TBC) |
31st October 2025 |
5 Days
7 Days |
Erasmus/International Students |
Age group 19yrs - 23yrs, in their 2nd or 3rd year of their undergraduate home university programme and typically taking the option of studying abroad for the second semester only. |
15 Nov 2024 @ 14:30 (Irish Standard Time) |
28th February 2025 |
7 Days |
* If you have not secured a tenant by the advert end date, you are welcome to create a new advert after this for the following cohort of students.
User Guides are available for Landlords who are advertising accommodation on www.maynoothstudentpad.ie
Please click on the guide you are interested in from the selection below:
- The normal landlord and tenant laws do not cover this situation and/or any disputes that may arise
- It is strongly recommended in these arrangements that both parties draw up a written agreement, referred to as a license to reside, to cover issues such as access to accommodation, deposits, rent, visitor's, overnight guests, bills, house rules and notice requirements. As a landlord or Homeowner this is very important to avoid conflict/disputes during the tenancy.
Threshold is a national housing charity that provides housing advice, advocacy and support services for those that live in the private rented sector and has offices in Dublin, Galway and Cork.
The following
Landlord Guide
might provide guidance even though your property is owner occupied.
For further information on the rent a room scheme which you can avail of €14,000 tax free income is explained in this link.
The Irish Property Owners Association can provide assistance to your and offer many resources such as a sample license to reside.
As a landlord renting a house or apartment the following information offers some guidance.
The Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB) was established in 2004 to operate a national tenancy registration system and to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants.
Here is a
Landlord Guide
It also provides policy advice to the Government on the private rented sector, and its dispute resolution service replaces the courts in relation to the majority of landlord and tenant disputes.
As indicated on the PRTB website; 'By law, a landlord cannot refuse to rent a property to any prospective tenant because of their gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the travelling community'.
As a Landlord, you must:
- Register the tenancy agreement with the PRTB. If you do not register then you will not be able to avail of the PRTB’s dispute resolutions service and you may be prosecuted.
- Provide your tenant with a rent book (if no written lease is in place) and receipts of payment
- Make sure that your property is in good condition
- Maintain the property to the standard it was at the start of the tenancy
- Reimburse the tenants for any repairs carried out on the structure
- Insure the property
- Provide you tenant with information and contact details of any agent who deals on your behalf.
As a landlord/new landlord you may wish to visit www.irishlandlord.com or www.ipoa.ie where you will find additional information.
Other useful resourses are Threshold and the PRTB.
See .
Landlord Access to Accommodation once rented:
- Allowing person/s renting to "peacefully enjoy" their accommodation (unless there is an emergency)
- Agents/Landlords have the right to enter the property at reasonable times to carry out the repairs for which they are responsible and to inspect the condition and the state of repair of the property. They must give at least 24 hours notice in writing of an inspection. It would be helpful to set out the arrangements for access and procedures for getting repairs done in the tenancy agreement or a written arrangement. See PRTB website for further details.
Landlords are responsible for keeping dwelling in repair:
- The structure and exterior of the dwelling house, including drains, gutters, and external pipes
- Proper working order the installations for the supply of water, gas, and electricity and for sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths and sanitary conveniences, and for heating rooms and heating water
Rates charged for accommodations vary depending on area, type/size of accommodation, number of nights, facilities, and if meals are offered. It is up to individual landlords to decide what pricing works for them. For properties where transport costs are involved then consider reducing price to keep your accommodation competitive with Maynooth.
- If you wish to know more about pricing in all areas then check out any of the online property websites such as Daft.ie and also check out the homepage of Maynooth Studentpad website and view the Fact Finder. The fact finder will give you an idea of rent being advertised on the database in real time, taken directly from what is available on the database at that time.
- If you do not get activity on your advert then consider the price you have chosen as sometimes this can be a key factor for students.
Many landlords offering owner occupied accommodation allow students the following holidays at no charge (2 weeks at Christmas and 1 week at Easter) and some do not charge for study/exam weeks If you intend to offer this(or any incentive) to students you can note this on your property information and also put this in writing to students.
If you do not intend to offer any week at no charge then it is important to put this in writing. You can check the for study week and exam week dates on our website.
For further information on the rent a room scheme which you can avail of €14,000 tax free income is explained in this link. Please visit the Revenue Office website for the latest tax information.
There are 2 steps to follow in advertising on maynoothstudentpad: 1) Register your property and 2) Create an advertisement
1) Start by going to maynoothstudentpad.ie and click on the 'Landlord Login' button on the homepage
2) Click into 'First time landlords register'
3) Follow the directions for setting up details of your property
4) Once you complete this registration, we will receive notification of your property and we will approve your property. If we require further clarification, we will contact you by email. Only when we approve your property can you advertise your property.
Advertising your property
1) Log back into maynoothstudentpad.ie
2) Follow the steps to create and post your advertisement so that it is 'live' and available for viewing by students.
Landlord Registration Guide
will help you.
Please note: Properties that are not permanent structures such as converted sheds, eco-sheds, etc. will not be considered suitable to advertise on Studentpad, in light of the fact that minimum physical standards may not be met.