Maynooth University Student Charter
Maynooth University is committed to offering students an outstanding university education, the best available in Ireland, an education which challenges and supports all students to achieve their full potential, and prepares students for life, work and citizenship, and for complexity, diversity and change.
Maynooth University is committed to providing an outstanding learning environment for our students, with excellent teaching, research and scholarship, and student supports. Maynooth University offers a curriculum and an intellectual, cultural and social environment that provide students with opportunities to make meaningful and positive contributions to the development of the community and society
Members of Maynooth University, staff and students, undertake to treat each other with dignity and respect and to abide by the rules and regulations of the University. We champion an open, friendly and inclusive learning environment that is welcoming of diversity and the benefits this brings. We are committed to fostering an atmosphere conducive to learning, research and scholarly activity in which students are empowered to strive for academic excellence and to embrace learning as a lifelong pursuit, while also recognising the importance of the social, sporting and cultural aspects of the student experience. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic, ethical and professional integrity, and to recognising our social, environmental and civic responsibilities.
All students of Maynooth University are members of Maynooth Students’ Union. Maynooth Students’ Union works in partnership with Maynooth University to review, support and enhance the student experience and to ensure that all students at Maynooth receive the highest standards of educational support and services throughout their time at university. This Student Charter has been developed by Maynooth Students’ Union and Maynooth University and is endorsed by the Presidents of the Students’ Union and University. The Student Charter will be reviewed annually.
Maynooth University undertakes to:
- Provide comprehensive orientation and induction supports to facilitate transition to third and fourth level;
- Provide teaching, assessment, feedback and academic guidance, of a high standard, informed by research active staff, and consistent with a research-led university of high standing internationally, so as to support students in their development as independent learners or researchers;
- Provide access to learning activities that will support the fundamental intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, reflection and critical appraisal and that will enhance employability and personal development;
- Provide fair and challenging assessment, both formative and summative, in support of high academic standards and rewarding creativity and intellectual skill;
- Provide opportunities to develop critical skills including written and oral communication and presentation;
- Provide clear and timely communication of information relating to timetables, examination schedules, module and programme content;
- Consider student workload when planning continuous assessment schedules, and provide clear, timely and unambiguous communication about assessment requirements;
- Provide clear, constructive and timely feedback on submitted work;
- Support staff and student participation in quality enhancement activities and in programme review;
- Provide access to effective and progressive library, IT and learning technology services;
- Provide information and access to supports and advice on matters such as health and welfare, finance and budgeting, accommodation, career planning, subject choices and international studies;
- Provide regular opportunities for continuing professional development for staff and training and induction for new staff, appropriate to a research-led university;
- Provide a University handbook (online) which details rules, regulations, codes, supports, examination arrangements and regulations, appeals and complaints procedures, and programme structures as well as course handbooks (online) which detail assessment criteria, timetables, contact and consultation hours, academic guidance and support, and professional requirements where appropriate;
- Provide opportunities for anonymous and direct feedback on the teaching and learning processes of the University and opportunities to have such feedback taken into account by the University;
- Provide opportunities, both within and outside the formal learning environment, for development of highly valued skills, such as teamwork and communication skills, through active learning experiences. Such opportunities include workplace learning, volunteering, international exchanges and project work;
- Provide direct participation for students in the governance structures of the University.
Students undertake to:
- Take responsibility for their learning, be self-motivated and engage with their programme of study;
- Attend induction, lectures, tutorials and other timetabled classes, and meetings with tutors or supervisors, and participate actively in such meetings;
- Commit sufficient time to personal study and appropriately prioritise and balance study time with other commitments;
- Complete and submit assessed work by stated deadlines and consider and act on feedback;
- Notify departments of any factors that may affect engagement with their programme of study, including, for example, significant absences;
- Seek advice, if needed, on academic, personal and welfare issues, from the Students’ Union and/or appropriate University supports;
- Participate fully in group learning activities and projects and provide collegial support for the contributions of group members;
- Develop a portfolio of significant assessed assignments and project work and other contributions and achievements, and use it to reflect on accumulated learning as they progress through their studies;
- Provide feedback to student representatives and to the University and participate in quality enhancement activities when requested;
- Support relevant clubs and societies as a means of enhancing personal and professional development and the student experience;
- Use the facilities and resources of the University with respect and consideration for all other users, and respect the physical environment of the University;
- Recognising the unique identity of Maynooth as a University town, support University–community engagement and respect the people and physical environment of Maynooth.