The Disability Office at Maynooth University supports students with the following disabilities:
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (including Asperger’s Syndrome)
- Blind/ Vision Impaired
- Deaf/ Hard of Hearing
- Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) - Dyspraxia/ Dysgraphia
- Mental Health Conditions
- Neurological Conditions (incl. Brain Injury, Speech and Language Disabilities)
- Physical Disability
- Significant Ongoing Illnesses
- Speech and Language Communication Disorder
- Specific Learning Difficulty (incl. Dyslexia and Dyscalculia)
Verification of your Disability
To apply for supports from the Disability Office you must provide verification of your disability, which can either be an MU Evidence of Disability Form 2025-26 or a Medical Report with the same level of detail. Maynooth University will only accept verification of your disability if it is completed by an accepted Medical Consultant or Specialist within the required timeframe. Your verification of disability must also be signed and stamped by the accepted Medical Consultant/ Specialist or accompanied by the Medical Consultant/ Specialist’s business card or letterhead.
Multiple Disabilities
If you have more than one disability you may have different needs for which you require support. The Disability Office can only take account of those disabilities that have been disclosed and verified. It is therefore essential that you provide verification for each disability that you disclose and that your supporting documentation meets the criteria outlined above.
No Supporting Documentation
If you have a disability or condition that has not been diagnosed you may be wondering how you can access supports at Maynooth University. Without the correct supporting documentation you will not be able to apply for supports with the Disability Office immediately, however you are welcome to come and meet a Disability Advisor to discuss your situation. You will have an opportunity to describe your needs and you will be given the best advice on how to proceed if you would like to apply for supports with the Disability Office.
Please complete the online MAP Student Advisory Supports Application Form 2024-2025. The deadline for applying for examination support for the January exams is the first Friday in November. After this date you are encouraged to complete this form to apply for academic learning supports and examination supports for the May examination period. You can discuss these with your MAP Advisor - Disability.
The online form is divided into a number of sections and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. We will ask you to provide some personal details about yourself, information we are required to collect on behalf of the Department of Education, areas where you might experience academic difficulty in university, and if you would like to apply for specific academic skills programmes to support your learning. You are asked to upload your evidence of disability documentation in digital format as a scanned file. The final section asks if we may disclose information on your disability or specific learning difficulty when coordinating support on your behalf.
If you have paper documents only, you will need to digitise them before you begin to complete the online application for disability supports form. To do this, you can use your smartphone camera:
- Scan your paper documents using the free app OfficeLens (Android/ iPhone) combined with your camera (4 minute Office Lens information video).
- Save your electronic documentation onto your pc/laptop/USB key/phone to upload them.
Your online form and your evidence of disability will be reviewed by one of our Disability Advisors. When we have reviewed your documentation we will be in touch about the final step in applying for disability supports. This may, for example, involve a one-to-one meeting with a Disability Advisor so we can better understand your needs. If you experience any difficulty completing the form, please contact [email protected] or (01) 708 4600.
In many cases our Disability Advisors can determine the support and accommodations you will require following a review of your supporting documentation (verification of disability and the online application for supports form). In some cases, however, a one-to-one meeting with a Disability Advisor will be arranged so we can better understand your needs.
Once your application for supports has been confirmed with the Disability Office, your Disability Advisor will send you an email with details of how you can access information on your disability supports in Student Web. Student Web is secure and confidential. It contains contact details for your Disability Advisor, the academic supports and examination accommodations that have been agreed, and details of any assistive technology that has been loaned to you. The consent you have provided is outlined in the Disclosure of Information section.
You should read through your supports on Student Web carefully and contact your Disability Advisor immediately if any of the details are incorrect or incomplete. Any changes in your supports will be confirmed via Student Web from now on.
Once your supports are confirmed, there are 12 really important things you need to know…
1.You have been assigned a Disability Advisor who will work with you throughout your time at Maynooth to ensure the right supports are in place to help you reach your academic goals.
2. The drop-in hours for the Disability Office are from 12pm – 2pm daily. You can call in without an appointment during these times and someone will be available to meet with you.
3. Sign-up for the Technology Transition Programme for training on technologies to assist with notetaking, reading, writing, time management, and planning and organisational skills.
4. Check out the technology resources on our website and call into the Technology Training Centre during the drop-in hours from 12pm – 1pm and 2pm – 3pm daily for additional training and support.
5. Sign-up for academic skills programmes that covers everything from notetaking strategies, study techniques, researching skills, time management, critical reading, academic writing, and proofing and editing written work.
6. Your MAP Academic Advisor is a lecturer in your Academic Department who you can talk to about any course related difficulties or academic concerns that you have.
7. Check Student Web for details of your exam accommodations (see below). Any changes to your accommodations must be agreed with your Disability Advisor before the first Friday in November for the January exams and before the first Friday in March for both the May and August exams.
8. MAP My Way is an induction programme that runs throughout the first semester. It will help you navigate life at Maynooth by providing support at key points during the semester and opportunities to connect with your peers.
9. Check the Disability Supports section of Student Web for confirmation of the academic supports and exam accommodations that are being coordinated on your behalf. Notify your Disability Advisor of any changes immediately.
10. Schedule an appointment with your Disability Advisor if you have any additional requirements you would like to discuss or if you would like us to review the supports that are in place.
11. You also have access to the full range of University supports which includes the Maths Support Centre, the Academic Writing Centre, the Library Information Skills Tutorials (LIST), the Student Health Centre and the Counselling Service.
12. And finally, make sure to check your Maynooth University email address regularly. This is very important as this is how we will contact you from now on.