
Prof. Mac MacLachlan part of Irish Delegation this week at the UN to discuss their work on disability inclusion and priorities for #COSP17.

Ongoing work to create a more efficient service and one which prioritises early interventions, services and supports, for autistic people and their families

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Congratulations ComMUniversity Team, Star Award Winners for Third Level Access and Engagement

We are delighted to have won a Star Award for Third Level Access and Engagement for the ComMUniversity

Monday, 11 March 2024

Creating an Accessible Survey

Our DANCING project share some of their experience in developing an accessible survey which was designed to be completed by audience members who attended a DANCING event.

Friday, 08 March 2024

Group of people in front of Social Justice Week 2024 slideshow

Watermarks Under the Skin - Social Justice Week 2024

Social Justice Week launched this morning at 11.00am by Dr. Ciara Bradley, Associate Professor Department of Applied Social Studies and Sam Blankensee, MU Equality Officer. This was followed by an introduction to the work of the Mountjoy Prison, Maynooth University Partnership and the Mountjoy Prison Watermarks Under the Skin Exhibition which will come to Maynooth University later this semester.

Monday, 04 March 2024

SPUR 2024: Now Accepting Applications! 40+ Scholarships Available

40+ Undergraduate Research Scholarships Available! Apply Today!

Thursday, 22 February 2024

John & Pat Hume Scholarship Programme

The John & Pat Hume Scholarship Programme will be opening for Applications on Friday 2nd February at 1pm.

Friday, 02 February 2024

Congratulations to the ComMUniversity teams nomination for the Aontas Star Award.

Congratulations to the ComMUniversity team who have been shortlisted for the Aontas Star Award in the Third Level Access and Engagement category..

Friday, 26 January 2024

Jan 24 Blog Post

Adult and Community Education with Turn to Teaching: how we do things…. Written by:  Declan Markey, Co-Coordinator of Turn To Teaching Adult and community education is about the development of skills, human relationships and the engagement of people in understanding the wider social forces that impact both locally and globally (Lynn Tett in Radical Learning for Liberation 2007:73 ) I used to love a good (random) house…

Friday, 12 January 2024

Around ALL in 7 Blog Posts to celebrate our Third Anniversary

Our blog anniversary is a perfect time to reflect on how our research as developed under the ethos of the ALL Institute

Friday, 15 December 2023

Statement in response to events in Dublin city centre on Thursday 23rd November

The Department of Applied Social Studies in Maynooth University stands in solidarity with the children, families and communities affected by the horrific incident at the school in Dublin's North Inner City on Thursday afternoon. We equally stand in solidarity with all those impacted by the subsequent attacks in the city centre which sought to cynically use the earlier incident to undermine our commitment to living together successfully in our diversity. We commend and support the community work, youth work, and social work projects and services in the city that work tirelessly every day to build solidarity and resilience, foster respect, tackle inequalities, promote wellbeing, challenge racism and hate in all forms, and address the impacts of the very significant poverty that can so easily undermine unity and cohesion in our communities. This work is made all the more challenging in the context of deepening socioeconomic inequalities, and a housing and homelessness crisis. Our community work, youth work and social work sectors including community health services, undertake vital preventative, developmental and responsive work that builds community resilience in the face of challenge. It is important that we stand ready to support where we can and that these sectors are placed on a secure and sustainable resource bases to meet the challenges facing local communities now and into the future.

Monday, 27 November 2023
