A warm welcome from our student helpers
Aiveen from Admissions and our student helpers welcome visitors
John Hume from the first floor
Admissions Officer Dr. John McGinnity with his deputy Sheila Purcell
Campus tours take in the historic South Campus
"Meet our students" event
Soccer Club student representatives
Help awaits at the Admissions stand
Busking Society representatives
Phoenix Building - the home of the Sports Centre, restaurant and Costa
Sports Hall - clubs and societies represented
Members of the Trad Group
Taking a break outside Iontas
John Hume Building
Outside the Iontas Building
Conferring tree on the South Campus
Inside Iontas
John Hume Building foyer
Inside Iontas
Sunny North Campus
Busking Society
Representatives from our Kilkenny Campus First Arts programme
Fencing Society
Mark points the right way
Taking a break outside John Hume
A busy Iontas Building
Science and Maths Education Stand
A busy Biology stand
Representatives from our Department of Experimental Physics
Friendly student helpers on hand to answer questions
The Admissions stand in Iontas is a good starting point
Representatives from the Department of Mathematical Physics
Michael and Colm of our Access Office
Outside of Iontas
Disney Society student representatives
Basketball Club student representatives
Dance Society student representatives
Games Society doing what they do!
Aquatics Club student representatives
Mars FM broadcasting during Open Day
The GAA Club's David Hyland and Thomas Stafford
Kashmira welcomes visitors to the Student Common Room
Busy John Hume Building
Engineering stand
Product Design stand
School of Business stand
Geography Department stand