Undergraduate applicants - CAO.ie now closed for applications. Normal closing date is February 1st 2025. Late application is possible from March 5th 2025.
Missed our CAO Information Evening on January 14th? Webinar recordings are available to watch now.
All EU/EEA/UK applicants for first year of undergraduate degree courses (excluding Occasional Student applicants), should apply via CAO.ie
(Applicants to MH004 BA Early Childhood Teaching and Learning (flexible) Advanced Entry to 2nd year should also apply via CAO.ie - using the Advanced Entry Portal).
To determine your fee liability, please click here.
Assessment depends on the category of applicant to which you belong:
- Leaving Certificate Student Applicants
- Mature Student Applicants
- QQI Applicants
- DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) Applicants
- HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) Applicants
- Deferral Applicants
- EU, EFTA & UK Applicants
- BTEC Applicants
- Occasional Student Applicants
- Transfer Applicants
- Restricted Courses
- Ukrainian Applicants: Please note that Ukrainian applicants currently resident in Ireland with Temporary Protection Status must in all cases apply via the CAO. All other Ukrainian applicants must apply directly to MU Apply.
If you are unsure about anything, please contact us.
Applying to the CAO - video guide