Crosscurrents: Shifting Flows in Social Research on Water Issues

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - 14:00 to 18:00
John Hume Boardroom, JH Building North Campus

Crosscurrents: Shifting Flows in Social Research on Water Issues

This symposium will consider the complicated conjoining of water-related social research with other disciplines and fields of endeavour – the first segment will focus on anthropology’s encounter with water policies and politics, and the second on collaborative research between social and STEM sciences on water issues.

Part 1: Anthropological Engagements with Water-related Policies

  • Changing Water Ways: Bringing new epistemological flows into international water policy
    Veronica Strang, Professor of Anthropology and Executive Director, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University 
  • Water Down Drains: Anthropological perspectives on urban water management and socio-economic inequality in South Africa
    Andrew ‘Mugsy’ Spiegel, Emeritus Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Cape Town​

Part 2: Collaborations between Social and STEM Sciences in Water Research

  • Transdisciplinary Research Processes? Experiences from the ‘Water is Life’ Project
    Honor Fagan, Professor of Sociology, Maynooth University 
  • The Social Scientific Agenda of the EU Horizon 2020 WaterSPOUTT Project
    Daniel Etongo Bau, Postdoctoral Fellow, Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute

This event is sponsored by the MA Programme in Anthropology and Development at Maynooth University, and the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI). It is free and open to all. For further information, contact [email protected]