Environmental Justice in Ireland

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 09:30 to 16:45

As part of Social Justice week Join our MUSSI members Dr Patrick Bresnihan and Sinéad Mercier with their variety of speakers on matters relating to environmental Justice in Ireland

This event, hosted by the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, brings together academics, experts, activists, and campaigners to talk about the practical and theoretical steps towards integrating social and environmental justice in Ireland. Speakers include Prof. John Sweeney, Slí Eile, Saoirse McHugh, National Youth Council of Ireland and Traveller MABS.

Session 1 (9-10.30) What is Environmental Justice in Ireland? (chaired by Dr. Patrick Bresnihan)
Andrew Jackson (EJNI)- Assistant Professor of Environmental and Planning Law at University College Dublin; public interest lawyer with practice experience in England and Ireland 
Rose Wall - CEO Centre for Environmental Justice
V'Cenza Cirefice (National University of Ireland Galway)
Session 2 (11-12.30) Environmental Justice & Energy (chaired by Sinéad Mercier, Lecturer in Environment, Sustainability and Social Justice MU)
Michelle Kearns (National Traveller Money Advice and Budgeting Service [MABS])
Macdara Doyle (Irish Congress of Trade Unions)
Jessie Dolliver (Not Here Not Anywhere)
Session 3 (1-2.30) Environmental Justice & Housing (chaired by Dr. Rory Hearne, Lecturer in Social Policy, Maynooth University)
Panagiota Kotsila (Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability)
John Bohan (MU & CATU)
David Poland (Young People’s Committee 2030, National Youth Council of Ireland)
Session 4 (3-4.40) What next for the green movement in Ireland? (chaired by Séan McCabe, TASC Just Transition Centre)
John Sweeney (Professor Emeritus in Geography, Maynooth University)
Saoirse McHugh (Climate Activist)
Sian Cowman (Slí Eile)
Jessica Dunne  (Fridays for Future (the school strikers) )

Registration for this event is required - see here
If you have any questions please contact [email protected]