Thomas Lysaght

Computer Science, ALL Institute

Gaeilge agus fáilte


Eolas Building
1st Floor
(01) 708 4592


Mr. Lysaght received his B.A. degree in Music and Mathematical Physics in 1984, his H.Dip.Ed. in 1991 and his M.Comp.Sci. from NUI, Maynooth in 1996. He is currently Deputy Head of the Department of Computer Science and is a permanent member of the lecturing staff. Mr. Lysaght's main Ph.D research area is sound analysis and synthesis, particularly the area of timbre morphing with applications in the area of synthesis and composition. He uses the Modal Distribution as a time-frequency representation for timbre and develops signal processing techniques for morphing. This research is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Victor Lazzarini of the Music Department and Dr. Joseph Timoney of the Computer Science Department at Maynooth University. This group of researchers regularly publish papers in the area of signal processing techniques for audio applications.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
Mr Tom Lysaght . .
2008 Lazzarini, V., T. Lysaght and J. Timoney (2008) 'Non-Linear Distortion Synthesis using the Split Sideband Method with Applications to Adaptive Signal Processing'. JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY, 56 :684-695. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2018 Timoney, J.; , Lysaght, T.; Tshibasu C. (2018) Digital Libraries for Musicology . In: Kevin Page eds. 'myTune': web visualization technologies for Irish traditional tune archives Paris, 28/09/2018- 28/09/2018 [Link]
2014 Brown S.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2014) IET Conference Publications An evaluation of the Goertzel Algorithm for low-power, embedded systems [DOI]
2013 Lysaght T.; Timoney J.; Lazzarini V. (2013) IET Conference Publications Signal synthesis from the Modal Distribution using minimum phase [Full-Text]
2012 Lysaght T.; Timoney J.; Lazzarini V. (2012) 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2012 Proceedings Automatic partial extraction from the Modal Distribution
2009 Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., Lazzarini, V., and Gao, R. (2009) China-Ireland Information and Communications Technologies Conference 2009 . In: Adam Winstanley eds. 'Computing modified Bessel functions with large modulation index for sound synthesis applications Maynooth University, 19/10/2009- 20/09/2009 [Link] [Full-Text]
2008 Lazzarini V.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2008) International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2008 Split-sideband synthesis
2008 Lazzarini, V., Lysaght, T., and Timoney, J. (2008) Digital Audio Effects DAFx 2008 . In: Vesa Välimäki eds. 'Asymmetric Methods for Adaptive FM Synthesis' Espoo, Finland, 01/09/2008- 04/09/2008 [Link]
2008 Lazzarini, V., T. Lysaght and J. Timoney (2008) Proceedings of the 11thConference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) A Modified FM Synthesis Approach to Bandlimited Signal Generation [Full-Text]
2008 Lazzarini V.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2008) Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2008 Asymmetric-spectra methods for adaptive fm synthesis
2008 Kelly, Daniel and McDonald, John and Lysaght, Tom and Markham, Charles (2008) Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 2008. IMVIP'08. International Analysis of sign language gestures using size functions and principal component analysis [Full-Text]
2008 Kelly, D; McDonald, J; Lysaght, T; Markham, C (2008) 2008 INTERNATIONAL MACHINE VISION AND IMAGE PROCESSING CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS Analysis of Sign Language Gestures using Size Functions and Principal Component Analysis [Full-Text]
2007 V. Lazzarini, J. Timoney, T. Lysaght (2007) PROCEEDINGS OF DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS Spectral Signal Processing in Csound5 [Full-Text]
2007 Lysaght T.; Timoney J.; Lazzarini V. (2007) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2007 Modal distribution synthesis from sub-sampled autocorrelation function [Full-Text]
2007 Lazzarini V.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2007) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2007 Adaptive FM synthesis
2006 Lazzarini, V., Timoney, J., and Lysaght, T. (2006) Proceedings Of 9th Intl. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFxX-06) Streaming Frequency-Domain DAFx in Csound5 18/09/2996- 20/09/2006
2006 Lazzarini V.; Lysaght T.; Timoney J. (2006) International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2006 Spectral signal processing in csound 5 [Full-Text]
2006 Lazzarini V.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2006) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2006 Streaming frequency-domain DAFx in Csound 5 Montreal, Canada,
2005 Timoney J.; Lysaght T.; MacManus L.; Lazzarini V. (2005) International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2005 An evaluation of warping techniques applied to partial envelope analysis [Full-Text]
2005 Timoney, Joseph and Lysaght, Thomas and Lazzarini, Victor and MacManus, Lorcan (2005) Proceedings of the 5th Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference 2005 Partial Envelope Analysis with Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 08/09/2005- 09/09/2005
2005 Lysaght T.; Lazzarini V.; Timoney J. (2005) International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2005 A streaming object oriented implementation of the modal distribution
2005 Lazzarini V.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2005) International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2005 Time-stretching using the instantaneous frequency distribution and partial tracking
2005 Lazzarini V.; Timoney J.; Lysaght T. (2005) 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2005 - Proceedings Alternative analysis-synthesis approaches for timescale, frequency and other transformations of musical signals [Full-Text]
2005 Timoney J.; Lysaght T.; Lazzarini V.; Manus I. (2005) 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2005 - Proceedings Comparing synthetic and real templates for dynamic time warping to locate partial envelope features [Full-Text]
2003 Healy, T; Lysaght, T; Timoney, J (2003) DAFX-03: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS, PROCEEDINGS GUI front-end for spectral warping
2003 Lysaght, T., and Timoney, J., (2003) IX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Timbre Matching
2002 Lazzarini, V., and Timoney, J. (2002) Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects New SndObj library classes for sinusoidal modeling 26/09/2002- 29/09/2002
2001 Timoney, J., Feely, S., O'Kelly, J., and Lysaght, T. (2001) Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2001 A Speech Feature Vector based on its Maximum Phase Component
2001 Timoney, J., and Lysaght, T., (2001) Proceedings of the 4th Intl. Conference on Digital Audio Effects EPS models of AM-FM vocoder output for new sounds generations Ireland, 06/12/2001- 08/12/2001
2000 Lysaght, T.; Vernon, D.; Timoney, J. (2000) Irish Signals and Systems Conference ISSC '00 Subgraph Isomorphism applied to feature correspondence in timbre morphing Dubiln, Ireland, 29/06/2000- 30/06/2000
2008 Kelly, D.P, T. Lysaght, C. Markham and J. McDonald (2008) Proceedings of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Analysis of Sign Language Gestures using Size Functions and Principal Component Analysis [Full-Text]
2008 Lazzarini, V., T. Lysaght and J. Timoney (2008) Proceedings of the 11thConference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) Asymmetric Methods for Adaptive FM Synthesis [Full-Text]
2007 T. Lysaght, J. Timoney and V. Lazzarini (2007) PROCEEDINGS OF DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS Modal distribution synthesis from sub-sampled autocorrelation function [Full-Text]
2005 Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., Lazzarini, V., and L. Mac Manus (2005) PROCEEDINGS OF 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS Comparing synthetic and real templates for dynamic time warping to locate partial envelope features [Full-Text]
2004 Timoney, J., MacManus, L., Lysaght, T. and Schoenwiesner, M. (2004) Procedings of 7th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-04) Implementing loudness models in Matlab [Full-Text]
2004 Timoney, J., Mac Manus, L., Lysaght, T. and Schwarzbacher, A., (2004) Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-04) Timbral attributes for objective quality assessment of the Irish Tin Whistle [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2002 J. Timoney (2002) Sounds Electric 3 NUI Maynooth, 04/01/2002-04/01/2002.
2001 J. Timoney (2001) Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) 2001 LU, Limerick, 12/01/2001-12/01/2001.

Book Review

Year Publication
2007 V. Lazzarini, J. Timoney and T. Lysaght (2007) Adaptive FM synthesis. [Book Review]
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