Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers' careers - be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers - and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations (universities, research centres, and companies) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.

The MSCA aim to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or the private sector. The programme responds to the challenges sometimes faced by researchers, offering them attractive working conditions and the opportunity to move between academic and other settings.

The MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields are chosen freely by the applicants (individuals and/or organisations) in a fully 'bottom-up' manner.

There are 5 types of MSCA targeting different objectives

1. Doctoral Networks (DN)

Supporting programmes to train doctoral candidates in academic and non-academic organisations. Follow the link to find out more about Doctoral Networks.

2. Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF)

Supporting career perspectives and excellence of postdoctoral researchers. Follow the link to find out more about Postdoctoral Fellowships.

3. Staff Exchanges (SE)

Encouraging collaborations between organisations through staff exchanges. Follow the link to find out more about Staff Exchanges.


Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes. Follow the link to find out more about COFUND.

5. MSCA and Citizens

Bringing research and researchers closer to the public at large. Follow the link to find out more about MSCA and Citizens.