
Dublin flooded

Who insures the insurers against extreme weather events?

While we are increasingly accustomed to hearing about storms approaching the Irish coast and dealing with the orange, yellow and occasionally red warnings associated with them, have you ever wondered who bears the financial cost of flooded or damaged properties, villages and communities when storms lead to catastrophes?

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Dr. Amina Adanan awarded a New Foundations grant by the Irish Research Council

Amina's project is entitled ‘Advancing the Rights of Prisoners in Ireland Through Strategic Litigation’ (AD-PRIS) and is a collaboration with the Irish Penal Reform Trust.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

SFI - Defence Challenge - Group Picture

Tánaiste reveals MU wildfire project as winner of SFI-Defence Challenge

Tánaiste and Minister for Defence Micheál Martin and Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris have announced that MU is the winner of the first SFI-Defence Organisation Innovation Challenge.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Publication News: The Touch of the Present: Educational Encounters, Aesthetics, and the Politics of the Senses by Dr. Sharon Todd

In her new book, Dr. Todd explores the importance of the body and the senses in educational encounters, drawing out the aesthetic and political dimensions of educational practices.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Decorative Image - Jim Walsh book launch

Income disparity between urban and rural dwellers reduces in recent years

Research by MU Professor Emeritus Jim Walsh comprehensively examines household incomes in Ireland

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Dr. Yağmur Hortoğlu publishes book entitled "La fraude et l'arbitrage"

Fraudulent behaviour is present in all legal fields and the situation is no different in arbitration.

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

MaynoothWorks Newsletter Q1 2023

MaynoothWorks Newsletter 2023 Q1

Monday, 20 February 2023

Dr Edana Richardson awarded an RC New Foundations grant

This grant was co-funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs (Irish Aid) and the Department of Education.

Monday, 20 February 2023


TUTOR is a 3 year European Union funded Teacher Academy project. The Department of Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University is a lead partner in TUTOR.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

SPUR Projects in the English Department

Applications open for SPUR projects in English.

Thursday, 16 February 2023
