In Praise of Intolerance. A Critique of the Myth of Pure Toleration

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 - 00:00

Henryk M. Broder
Polish-born German journalist, author and TV personality, known as one of the most outspoken personalities in public German discourse and winner of the Ludwig-Börne-Preis. Until 2010 he wrote for the Spiegel and writes since 2011 for the Welt. He has published a number of monographs on the topics of tolerance and Europe, among them Kritik der reinen Toleranz (Critique of Pure Toleration) and Hurra, wir kapitulieren - Von der Lust am Einknicken (Hurra, we surrender - Of the Desire to Buckle). His most recent publication Die letzten Tage Europas: Wie wir eine gute Idee versenken (The Last Days of Europe: How We Are Sinking a Good Idea) reflects on the failing of the European Union.
On Friday, Oct. 10th at 5 p.m. as part of the President of Ireland's Ethics Initiative he ​will speak on 
The Talk
Tolerance is a new concept in our political and social life. It became one of the pillars of the enlightened liberal society. You can choose your religion, your political belief, your partner, even your gender as you will. And no one will blame you. But every progress comes with  a price tag. We are becoming incapable of defending our liberties. Where does tolerance end? Where should intolerance begin? And – this is the mother of all questions – how do we cope with neighbors and cultures who prefer violence over tolerance?
Websites Henryk M. Broder (in German)  where he publishes blog entries but also hate mail and heated exchanges between him and critics.
The Round Table Discussion
The talk will be followed by a round-table-discussion on the topic of tolerance and its role for creating a self-identity within the European context.

Senator Sean Barrett
Prof. Beverly Milton-Edwards, QUB
Prof. Mary Corcoran, Maynooth University

The round-table -discussion will be chaired by Liz O'Donnell, columnist for the Irish Independent.
The event will be followed by a wine reception. Admission is free but if you wish to attend or receive more information, please contact

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