Prof Doherty cited in media outlets for work on employment status and collective bargaining.

Prof Michael Doherty
Monday, July 15, 2024 - 12:30

Prof Michael Doherty was the subject of an article in Issue 23 (June 2024) of Industrial Relations News , which focused on a forthcoming paper, ”Domino Dancing: Determining Employment Status in Ireland” giving an overview and analysis of the recent decision of the Irish Supreme Court in the “Domino’s case” (The Revenue Commissioners v. Karshan (Midlands) Ltd).
Prof Doherty was also quoted in the Irish Times piece on Labour legislation and collective bargaining (June 14 2024). The piece discussed the implementation of the Irish Government’s LEEF High Level Working Group report on collective bargaining and industrial relations in Ireland. The Final report of the LEEF High-Level Working Group on Collective Bargaining, chaired by Prof Doherty, was published in 2022.

Prof Doherty is a Full Professor of Law at Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology where he teaches Employment Law and Introduction to Law to BCL/ LLB students.