SAR speaker Tour 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020 - 12:15

Dr Maguchu will give a guest lecture, as part of a Scholars at Risk Speaker Tour. This event will take place on Thursday, 6th February 2020 from 10.00-11.00am, in room SE012, Education Building.
Dr Maguchu is currently a visiting associate professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is the international co-ordinator for the Anti-Corruption Act Southern Africa. Previously he worked as a senior projects lawyer with the Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum specializing in public interest litigation on behalf of torture and organized violence victims. His main research interest are in the area of financial crimes and human rights.
SAR Speaker Tours are designed to raise awareness of attacks on scholars and academic freedom worldwide, through the organisation of events at network member institutions featuring formerly at risk scholars now outside of the country of danger. These events help scholars make new contacts and re-establish the personal and professional relationships that lead to future opportunities, while at the same time introducing local higher education communities to these inspiring, courageous individuals.
Scholars at Risk is an international network of higher education institutions dedicated to promoting academic freedom worldwide. Around the world today, scholars are attacked because of their words, their ideas and their place in society. Those seeking power and control work to limit access to information and new ideas by targeting scholars, restricting academic freedom and repressing research, publication, teaching and learning. The Scholars at Risk Network responds to these attacks.