Maynooth University Student Services
Where and How
Where can I find the Student Budgeting Advice Service?
The Student Budgeting Advice Office, Ground Floor, Student Services Centre, North Campus
How do I make an appointment to see the Student Budgeting Advisor?
To make an appointment visit Money Matters to fill out the Booking Form and get access to the Online Calendar.
Why might I need an appointment with the Student Budgeting Advisor?
To talk about money concerns ,SUSI,social welfare queries and for financial assistance.
What can I expect at the Drop in Clinic?
A 10-15-minute session for guidance and advice. Not suitable for a full assessment for fiancial assistance but we may be able to find you an appointment if you are having difficulty.
Who and Why
Who can use the Student Budgeting Advice Service?
All registered students from Maynooth University and St Patrick's College can avail of the Student Budgeting Service. Prospective students can contact the service for information but current students are prioritised during term time.
I am worried about managing my money for college – can this service help me?
If you are thinking about coming to University or are about to start it can really help to check out the College Costs page for guidance on what you can expect.
As a registered student you can book in to have a chat or call to a Drop in Clinic.
What financial assistance is there to help me pay for college?
If you are a registered student and are worried about managing your money and are unsure of what financial help you may be able to recieve check out the Funding page. If you wish you can Book an Appointment or email with your concerns.
Financial Help
Can I get financial help for a laptop?
Check if you meet the eligiblity criteria for a Laptop Loan. If you do not appear to be eligible please check out the funding options at Money Matters then make an appointment to see the Student Budgeting Advisor.
Can I get help with my living expenses?
This may be possible through SAF please check out the funding options at Money Matters then make an appointment to see the Student Budgeting Advisor.
Can I get help with my travel expenses?
The Student LEAP card is available from the online to reduce costs with public and private services to campus. Other assistance, e.g. SAF, may be possible, see funding options at Money Matters.
Can I get help to pay for child care?
All college related expences can be considered for SAF (including living costs, travel, books and childcare) so if you think you are eligible you can apply online at SAF or Book an Appointment to dicuss options with the Student Budgeting Advisor.
Can I get a financial help for repeat exams?
None of the funding provided by the University can be used for the payment of fees. We may be able to help with the extra expenses related to repeat exams (i.e. loss of earnings, travel costs) so please contact the Student Budgeting Advisor.
Can I get funding for a repeat year?
You may be able to apply to the Fees Office for a Medical Fee Waiver and SUSI under Exceptional Circumstances for a repeat year, e.g. medical. You note in your application that you are repeating under exceptional circumstances and they will contact you for more information.
You may be elibigle for financial assistance, e.g. SAF, during your repeat year so come and speak to the Student Budgeting Advisor so Book an Appointment
Is there any financial help available for part time students?
Part time students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund if they meet the criteria, see Guide to SAF. Part time students are also eligible to apply for emergency funding depending on their circumstances. If you think this is you come and speak to the Student Budgeting Advisor so Book an Appointment
Is there financial help available to pay fees?
You may be able to receive SUSI funding towards your fees, check out the SUSI . The Student Budgeting Advisor can explain your options.
How do I pay my fees?
You need to contact the Fees and Grants Office for options for fee payment.
The Student Fees and Grants Office is located in the Bursar's Office, Rye Extension on the North Campus of Maynooth University.
Tel: 01-7084747 Email:
What happens if I don’t pay my fees on time?
You will need to contact the Fees Office, contact details as above and they can discuss your options.
How do I know if I am eligible for SAF?
You can find out how the SAF works and if you are eligible by reading the Guide to SAF.
I have a SUSI grant – can I still apply for SAF?
Yes, you can still apply for SAF while receiving SUSI
I don’t have a SUSI grant – can I still apply for SAF?
Yes, you can still apply for SAF if you are not receiving SUSI once you meet the criteria. Check if you could be eligible at Guide to SAF
How do I apply for SAF?
Depending on your household income you may be able to apply online or you can to Book an Appointment to meet with the Student Budgeting Advisor to discuss options.
What is the Short Term Loan?
The Short-Term Loan is usually for a small amount (maximum €50.00) and is intended to help with an unexpected and immediate emergency or crisis (e.g. you left your wallet on the bus or you may have to buy an unexpected prescription). It is expected that it will be repaid relatively quickly; you can only apply for a second or subsequent short-term loan if the previous loan has been repaid in full. Apply at the Student Support Hub any working day at 10 am or 2:30 pm.
What is the Student Emergency Fund?
The Student Emergency Fund is a fund which is available to assist students who are experiencing unforeseen and immediate financial difficulties as a result of a once-off emergency event. If you have an urgent financial situation please email and give a brief outline of your concerns.
I’m sick and have extra costs – what can I do?
Students who require a Short Term Loan may apply in person to the Student Support Hub Monday to Friday.This can be use for unexpected essential medical costs. If you are out of work and need more support please contact the Studetn Budgeting Advisor.
I have a family crisis (illness, bereavement, separation, etc.) and I have no money what can I do?
Email to organise to talk to the Student Budgeting Advisor as an urgent appointment. Please note that if there is a personal issue and that it is urgent that you talk to the Student Budgeting Advisor email with Urgent in the subject line and we will get back as quickly as possible.
My circumstances have changed suddenly what can I do?
Email to organise to speak to the Student Budgeting Advisor and outline your change in circumstances.
I have an emergency (e.g. lost wallet) and I need money, what can I do?
The Short Term Loan is usually for a small amount (maximum €50.00) and is intended to help with an unexpected and immediate emergency or crisis. Students who require a Short Term Loan may apply in person to the Student Support Hub Monday to Friday.
Can I get advice about applying for SUSI?
SUSI Website - for information on SUSI Grants for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, please refer to the SUSI website
How do I apply for SUSI?
You apply online using the SUSI website.
How do I reapply for SUSI?
See full information on the SUSI website
I have missed the application date for SUSI, what can I do?
Under certain circumstances SUSI may allow you to make a late application, see the SUSI website.
If I deregister can I get SUSI again?
You may be award funding for the following year depending on when you deregister. SUSI will only pay for repeat peroids of study under exceptional circumstances (such as illness or other family situations). You can talk to the Student Budgeting Advisor to get advice about SUSI.
I was refused a SUSI grant – what can I do?
You can appeal the refusal within 30 days see the SUSI website If you want advice about appealing contact the Student Budgeting Advisor.
I was awarded a SUSI grant but am not sure it’s right – what can I do?
Email your SUSI awarding letter to and one of the Student Budgeting Advisors will contact you.