ELSA Student Trainee Exchange Programme (STEP)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - 00:00

Maynooth University Department of Law is offering two STEP Traineeships over the summer of 2014.


What is STEP?

ELSA's (The European Law Students' Association) Student Trainee Exchange Programme (STEP) makes it possible for law students and young lawyers to gain working experience abroad. STEP Traineeships are an outstanding opportunity to gain practical legal experience and plunge into the culture of another country.

The defining feature of ELSA’s traineeships is the personal approach they take. Before and during the traineeship, ELSA provides assistance to trainees with finding accommodation, obtaining Visas and organising social events to involve the trainee in the daily life of the local community.

Our Traineeships

The Department of Law at Maynooth University will run two separate traineeships:

  1. 'An analysis of the approach of international human rights bodies and domestic human rights actors to competing economic models and policies.'
  2. 'An analysis of the impact of the current socio-economic crisis on labour law and policy across Europe.'

Each will run for six weeks, from 30 June 2014 to 8 August 2014, inclusive. The trainees will each receive a stipend of €200 per week.


The traineeships are open to all current undergraduate law students, who are current ELSA members and will have completed at least one year of an undergraduate law degree by 30 June 2014. Irish students are NOT eligible to apply for the traineeships we are offering. However, they should think about applying to the traineeships available throughout Europe. The full list of STEPs will be officially launched on 13 April 2014 on ELSA's website.

Applications and Further Information

Further information can be found on ELSA’s STEP portal. Alternatively, contact ELSA Maynooth's Vice President for STEP, Serena Fox at [email protected], or your local Vice President for STEP for assistance with the application process.

NB Please do not contact the Department of Law in relation to your application. Direct contact with the employer prior to selection can lead to expulsion!