RADICAL - Revision of the Act on Disability in Ireland through Collaborative Action for new Legislation


Have your Say and propose your revision of the Disability Act 2005 here.


For more information on the idea behind the collection of opinions about the proposal to revise the Disability Act 2005 see the Ideas In ALL blog post by Mac MacLachlan, Delia Ferri, Delma Byrne and Anastasia Campbell which can be accessed here
Please see link to the Irish Disability Act 2005 here: https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2005/act/14/enacted/en/html

Black Background. White font large letters ‘Have your Say’ underneath subheading ‘Be RADICAL’ underneath text reads ‘Revision of the Act on Disability in Ireland through Collaborative Action for new Legislation’, the R, A, D, I, C, A, and L are bolded and underlined.



Disclaimer: “All submissions will be moderated. The ALL Institute reserves the right to delete any submission which is disrespectful, abusive, profane, or offensive”.