International Symposium Maynooth University, School of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 19-20 June 2025.
The School of Modern Languages Literatures and Cultures at Maynooth University invites papers for its upcoming conference, “Graphic Narratives and Contemporary Culture in the (Post)Modern Languages Classroom.” This conference will explore graphic narratives as a powerful medium for language learning, literary and cultural analysis, and cross-cultural understanding.
We welcome interdisciplinary contributions from literature, linguistics, translation studies, visual studies, memory studies, medical humanities, and cultural theory to discuss the multilingual and transcultural potential of graphic narratives.
Themes and Topics
- Graphic Narratives, Cultural Studies, and Social Commentary Examining GN’s role in exploring cultural identity, transculturalism, and social commentary across languages.
- Theoretical and Literary Approaches to GN GN as a unique narrative form and visual rhetoric; applying literary and cultural theory to analyse GN.
- GN in Language Learning GN as tools in language acquisition, teaching vocabulary, grammar, and socio-linguistic nuances.
- Translation and Adaptation of GN Translating GN across languages, multilingual GN, and adaptations between literary and visual forms.
Submission Guidelines
Papers (15 min) or presentations in Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish (Catalan, Galician and Basque are also welcome).
- Individual: 250–300-word abstract + 100-word bio.
- Panel: 500-word session description.
- Creative proposals: 300 word-proposal + 100-word bio.
- Posters: 250–300-word abstract + 100-word bio
Please submit your abstract via Oxford Abstracts by 24 January 2025. Enquiries to: [email protected]