The recent pandemic and subsequent government measures to curb the virus through lockdowns and restrictions on movement have impacted on women and mothers in a myriad of ways, including: issues of access to obstetric and maternity care; added responsibility of home-schooling; pressures of balancing care-giving while working from home; and financial pressures associated with reduced working hours or loss of employment. We find this an appropriate time, then, to bring scholars together to think of these and other issues more broadly related to the theme of motherhood and work.
The MU Motherhood Project will host a conference on the topic of "Motherhood and Work", which will take place on 24th and 25th June 2021. The conference will engage with issues and debates concerning motherhood and work, particularly as they intersect with the themes of care and culture. The full programme is available here. Participation is free, but registration is required; register here. All welcome!