The Return [O Retorno] (2012) is the story of Rui and his family’s return to the Motherland - Portugal - following the Angolan War of Independence.
The event will take place on Tuesday, April 4, at 2.00 pm - Queen's University Belfast; Wednesday, April 5, at 11.00 am - National University of Ireland, Maynooth; Wednesday, April 5, at 4.00 pm - University College of Dublin. The seminars and workshops with Dulce Maria Cardoso will be followed by receptions.
The event will be in English and it is open to students, staff from across the university, and the community in general. This is a Portuguese Cultural Event - After the Return: Dulce Maria Cardoso and The Return
- supported by Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua I.P., National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Queen's University Belfast, University College of Dublin, and it is organised by Maria Inês Castro e Silva, Camões Tutor of Portuguese Language and Culture (NUIM, QUB) in partnership with Eliana Palma, Camões Tutor of Portuguese Language and Culture (UCD). For further information, please contact: Maria Inês Castro e Silva ([email protected]/[email protected]) / Eliana Palma ([email protected]).
Workshops and Seminars with Dulce Maria Cardoso
ToggleWorkshops and Seminars with Dulce Maria Cardoso
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 11:00 to 12:00
Classhall D, Arts Building, North Campus