From February to April 2023, Maynooth University Chinese Studies and MagicCube Chinese School, Dublin jointly organised a Pen Pal Activity for our BA students and the students of MagicCube Chinese School. Maynooth students received the first stack of letters on 8 February and each student randomly selected their own pen pals. With the help of language tutors Dr. Meishan Zhang and Ms. Cheng Yang, students wrote letters in Chinese characters every week, covering various topics such as, hobbies, festivals, school life, family members, food and drink. In early May, students from Maynooth University and MagicCube Chinese School produced a video to introduce each other, marking the successful conclusion of the pen pal activity.
2023年2月至4月,梅努斯大学与都柏林魔方中文学校合作,组织两校学生进行每周通信,顺利完成了为期两个月的“展信佳”笔友活动。2月8日,梅努斯大学中文选修课的学生们收到了一叠 “陌生人” 来信。程洋老师带和学生们带着激动地心情拆开大信封,用盲盒的方式随机抽取一封,开启了与都柏林魔方中文学校的笔友们的通信情缘。在魔方中文学校的清欢老师和程洋老师的辅导下,学生们每周写信,以生活和课本内容为启发,用中文交流了“爱好”、“节日”、“学校生活”、“家人”、“假期”和“饮食”等不同主题。交流的愿望产生了求知欲,学生们因此学会了不少新词汇,从一开始的短短半页纸的内容,逐渐寄出贴着五彩贴纸的长信。5月初,在第二学期结束前,两校学生录制了视频,向对方揭晓自己的神秘面纱,并送上美好的假期祝福,标志着首次笔友活动圆满结束。此次笔友活动是梅努斯大学首次开展的以信会友的中文学习活动,坚持使用亲笔书写,鸿雁传书这种传统的具有浪漫情怀的交流方式,以中文为桥梁,增加中文学习者之间的趣味体验,建立友谊,是教学方法和合作形式上的一次成功探索。