Profs Karen Till and Philipp Rosemann elected to Royal Irish Academy

Friday, May 22, 2020 - 10:45
Irish Version

Maynooth University congratulates Prof Karen Till and Prof Philipp Rosemann on their acceptance to the Royal Irish Academy (RIA) today. 

Profs Till and Rosemann were among the 29 new members admitted by Dr Mary Canning, President of the Academy, in a video call this afternoon. “While there were no handshakes there was much smiling among the group of exceptional individuals who are internationally renowned in their respective fields”, the RIA stated. 
Membership of the RIA is awarded to persons who have attained the highest distinction by their unique contributions to education and research.  
Karen E. Till, Professor of Cultural Geography, is a leading international figure in the interdisciplinary field of Memory Studies through her scholarly explorations of place, memory and care, and her collaborations with practicing artists. Her research, curatorial work and creative writing include: The New Berlin, Mapping Spectral Traces, The Textures of Place and the forthcoming co-edited book series Earth Writings.  
Philipp Rosemann, Professor of Philosophy, has won recognition for his work at the intersection of the Christian tradition and contemporary thought. His publications include studies of Thomas Aquinas and Peter Lombard. His most recent book, Charred root of meaning: continuity, transgression, and the other in Christian tradition (Eerdmans Publishing, 2018), develops a philosophy of religion that is at once biblical and Foucauldian. 
Welcoming the newly admitted members, Dr Canning said: “Ireland should be immensely proud of these women and men who have brought international acclaim to our country. As members of the Royal Irish Academy they will strengthen our capacity to provide the expert advice Ireland needs at this time.”  
She thanked the many Academy members who had put their expertise at the service of the people of Ireland during the current COVID-19 crisis and announced that an Academy steering group has been established to develop and coordinate the activities of the various Academy committees and members, and to maximise the Academy’s convening power across all humanities, social sciences and science disciplines throughout the island of Ireland.

Tá na hOllaimh Karen Till agus Philipp Rosemann tar éis bheith tofa isteach go hAcadamh Ríoga na hÉireann

Gabhann Ollscoil Mhá Nuad comhghairdeas leis an Ollamh Karen Till agus leis an Ollamh Philipp Rosemann tar éis dóibh bheith glactha isteach go hAcadamh Ríoga na hÉireann inniu.

Bhí na hOllaimh Till agus Rosemann i measc na 29 ball atá tar éis bheith ceadaithe isteach ag an Dr Mary Canning, Uachtarán an Acadaimh le linn físchomhrá iarnóin inniu. “Cé nár chroitheamar lámha a chéile, bhí aoibh orthu uilig i measc an ghrúpa seo, chuile dhuine acu atá aitheanta go hidirnáisiúnta ina réimsí áirithe”, a dúirt Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann i ráiteas a eisíodh.
Bronntar ballríocht an Acadaimh orthu siúd atá tar éis an stádás is airde a bhaint amach mar gheall ar an méid atá curtha acu le hoideachas agus taighde.

Is príomhphearsa idirnáisiúnta sa réimse idirdhisciplíneach de Staidéar na Cuimhne í Karen E Till, Ollamh sa Tíreolaíocht Chultúrtha, trí na fiosrúcháin léannta atá curtha ar bun aici ar áit, ar chuimhne agus ar aire, agus tríd a comhoibriú le healaíontóirí reatha.

Tá aitheantas bainte amach ag Philipp Rosemann, Ollamh san Fhealsúnacht, don obair atá déanta aige ar an trasnú idir traidisiún na Críostaíochta agus smaointeoireacht chomhaimseartha. I measc a fhoilseachán tá staidéir ar Thomas Aquinas agus Peter Lombard. Forbraíonn an leabhar is déanaí dá chuid, Charred root of meaning: continuity, transgression and the other in Christian tradition, fealsúnacht reiligiúnda atá fréamhaithe ní amháin sa bhiobla ach i dteoiricí Foucault chomh maith.

Agus fáilte á cur aici roimh na baill úrnua, dúirt an Dr Canning: “Ba cheart go mbeadh Éire fíor-bhródúil go deo as na fir agus na mná seo atá tar éis ardmholadh idirnáisiúnta a thabhairt chomh fada leis an tír seo. Mar bhaill de chuid Acadamh Ríoga na hÉirinn, cabhróidh siad lenár gcumas chun sainchomhairle a chur ar fáil do mhuintir na hÉireann in am seo an ghátair.”

Ghabh sí a buíochas le baill an Acadaimh atá tar éis a gcuid saineolais a chur ar fáil do phobal na hÉireann le linn na géarchéime Covid-19 agus d’fhógair sí chomh maith go bhfuil grúpa stiúrtha bunaithe aici chun gníomhaíochtaí choistí agus bhaill éagsúla an Acadaimh a fhorbairt agus a chomhordú agus an chumhacht atá acu sna daonnachtaí, sna heolaíochtaí sóisialta agus san eolaíocht chun teacht le chéile a uasmhéadú.