Summer Internships for Undergraduate Researchers 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 - 10:00

Applications are now invited for Summer Internships in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics. There are two types of internships:

1. Six-week internships
Interested students in penultimate year or final year of one of our undergraduate programmes (Pure/Applied Maths, Maths Studies, Stats) should find a mentor in the Department and then fill in the Application Form.
Students should propose a project agreed with a mentor. The project may have been initially proposed either by the mentor or the student.
To get a sense of the range of projects that might be suitable, you may wish to look at the projects webpage that lists some of the past SPUR and internship projects.

2. A four-week internship
This internship is part of the project 'A blended learning approach to the Mathematics Proficiency Course'.
This intern would work with Dr Ann O'Shea to develop online resources.
Interested students should contact Dr O'Shea directly at [email protected].

Deadline for applications: 5pm on Friday 12th April 2019.

Note: Internships cannot be combined with any other 2019 SPUR/MU internship.