Possible Projects
Year | Type | Title | Student | Year of Study | Supervisor(s) |
Past Projects
Year | Type | Title | Student | Year of Study | Supervisor(s) |
2024 | Internship | Russell Library Huxley Summer Internship for Classics and Mathematics | Abigail Mee | 4 | Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird Dr. Kieran McGroarty |
2024 | SPUR | Uncovering the unique continental origins of the teaching of astronomy, mathematics, and physics at Maynooth. | Patrick Flanagan | 3 | Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird Dr. Neil Trappe |
2024 | Internship | Irreducibility and identification of irreducible elements in several settings | Luca D'Altri | 4 | Professor David Malone |
2024 | Internship | Multifactorial Risk Assessments of Flooding Events | Daniel O’Brien | 3 | Dr. Niamh Cahill |
2023 | Internship | Topics in Differential Topology | Matthew Byrne | 2 | Dr. Mark Walsh |
2023 | Internship | Generalized linear mixed models applied to ecological data on wildlife monitoring | Rachel McInerney | 3 | Dr. Rafael de Andrade Moral |
2023 | Internship | Investigating the Rho-Pollard Method of integer factorization | Ronan O'Donnell | 4 | Prof. David Malone |
2023 | SPUR | Reflections on the History and Philosophy of Science: Exploring Ernan McMullin's Bequest to Maynooth University | Abigail Mee Aleksi Gramatikov |
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Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird Dr. Kevin Tracey Dr Susan Gottlöber |
2022 | SPUR | Ethics for Mathematics students | Daniel O'Brien | 1 | Prof. David Malone |
2022 | Internship | Interpret and display Berenstein-Zelevinksy hive diagrams related to Littlewood-Richardson coefficients or a skew-LR tableau of a given weight. | Lughán Devenny | 3 | Dr. John Murray |
2022 | Internship | Implement Gavinsky's scheme using Microsoft's programming language for the Azure Quantum platform. | Daniel Farcas | 4 | Prof. David Malone |
2022 | Internship | CW-Structures and Homology of some low dimensional Grassmannians and Nilmanifolds. | Jack Byrne | 3 | Dr. Stefan Bechtluft-Sachs |
2022 | Internship | Hausdorff dimension: How it is used to determine the "size" of some fractal sets such as the Cantor third and the Sierpinski Gasket. | Anya Raftery | 3 | Dr. Detta Dickinson |
2021 | Department Internship | Numerical investigations into open questions relating to joint spectral radius (JSR) in the max algebra. | Brian Skelly | 3 | Dr. Ollie Mason |
2021 | Department Internship | Topology and geometry of manifolds | Peter Moody | 4 | Prof. David Wraith |
2021 | Department Internship | Statistical modelling of hydroclimate indices | Jack Kilgallen | 4 | Dr. Niamh Cahill |
2021 | SPUR | Personality prediction using text mining | Dr. Katarina Domijan | ||
2021 | SPUR | Bumping and sliding | Dr. John Murray | ||
2021 | SPUR | Classical groups | Dr. John Murray | ||
2020 | SPUR | Algebra and the topology of manifolds | Josh O'Connor | 2 | Prof. David Wraith |
2020 | SPUR | Algebra and the topology of manifolds | Peter Moody | 2 | Prof. David Wraith |
2020 | SPUR | Tableau Switching | Harry Hamilton | 3 | Dr. John Murray |
2020 | Internship | The Duffin Schaeffer Conjecture | James Bourke | 2 | Dr. Detta Dickinson |
2019 | Internship | Project on Differential Geometry |
Ryan Quinn | 4 | David Wraith & Mark Walsh |
2019 | Internship | Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and height zero characters of symmetric groups |
Nathan Keenan | 3 | John Murray |
2019 | SPUR | SEALR - Investigating changing sea levels |
Laura Byrne | 3 | Niamh Cahill & Andrew Parnell |
2018 | SPUR | Mining the Stack Overflow | Sam Adekunle | 2 | Katarina Domijan |
2017 | SPUR | Extending tabuSearch R Package | Ciarán Martin | 3 | Katarina Domijan |
2017 | Internship | Opacity for Max-Plus Linear Systems. | Nicola Brennan | 4 | Oliver Mason |
2016 | Internship | Knot Theory | Maria Bridges | 3 | David Wraith |
2015 | SPUR | The real and strongly real classes of the double covers 2.Sn and 2.An | Daragh Ryan | 1 | John Murray |
2013 | SPUR | On e-blocks of skew Young diagrams | Stephen Nulty | 3 | John Murray |
2012 | SPUR | Permutation Actions | Ciaran MacCionnaith | 3 | John Murray |
2011 | SPUR | Representation Theory of Finite Groups | Jane Breen | 2 | John Murray |
2010 | SPUR | The Mathieu Groups | Ciaran Walsh | 3 | John Murray |
2011 | Internship | Matrix Groups | Mairead Grogran | 2 | David Wraith |
2003 | Summer Project | Starkey's Rule and the Character Table of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of Sn | Cian Synnott | 3 | John Murray |